What The Wenches Are Reading

There is a lot of Chicagoland Vampires love in our list this week! Blood Games released last week, and no fewer than six Wenches have visited with Merit this week. Also on our lists are Kate Daniels, Sebastian St Cyr, The Book of Life, Prospero's War, and Outlander. Lots of excellent choices!
What are you reading this week, Saucy Reader?
Amanda: I decided to take a break from A Song of Ice and Fire to read Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) by Ilona Andrews. I'm enjoying it so far. I just got to a shocker, and I don't know what is going to happen!!
Angela: GISHWHES is finally over and it's back to reading for me. This week I read What Remains of Heaven (Sebastian St Cyr #5) by C.S. Harris and as I suspected this books is getting better and better. The twists and turns have kept me hooked and once again I couldn't work out who the murderer was.
Anne: This week I plowed through Blood Games by Chloe Neill. I loved it and I am now dying for the next one. I need more Merit in my life. Now, I'm back to The Fellowship of the Ring, my old favorite.
Barb: I finished rereading Wild Things and moved right into my second read of Blood Games. After all this time I'm still awed by how tight Chloe Neill's narrative is, how things hinted at long ago come to fruition in later books, how much I love these characters, even the ones I love to hate, and how funny they are. Such a wonderful series! I'm not sure where I'm going next, but I think I may finally be ready to read new things. What suggestions do you have for me, Saucy Readers?
Donna: This week I finished The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness. This was the finale of the All Souls trilogy. While I enjoyed the first two books immensely, I was kind of disappointed with this one. There was a big build up to a showdown between Matthew, Diana and the Big Bad, but it was resolved rather abruptly, in my opinion. There was an over-abundance of characters as well. Many plot points were simply abandoned. I don't want to give too much away. Suffice it to say, things were not tied up in a nice, neat bow. My main pet peeve is that I'm getting very tired of novels where the hero/heroine is obscenely wealthy, powerful and beyond special. I sound really cranky, don't I?
Kathi: I continued listening to Outlander this week, while I was on vacation and during the long car trip home. Perfect companion for the tv show! I’m not going to admit how many times I’ve watched episode 1 at this point, but I LOVE IT!!!!
Merit: This week was all about Merit and Ethan! I read Chloe Neill’s Blood Games, and there is definitely something to be said about a series that’s that good even at the 10th book of said series, (Chicagoland Vampires). Way to go Ms. Neill. This one is just excellent, great drama, mystery, magic, murder and political intrigues. I really loved to watch Merit’s growth in this story. She is maturing with time; she is not as hasty in her actions as she used to be. The plot is thrilling, has its hot and funny moments and also makes my mouth water because almost every chapter has a food description; Ms. Neill knows her way around food.
Natalie: Hello Saucy readers. Well another week of summer has past in the States and we are creeping closer to fall. Many awesome this happened last week. I got to meet Deborah Harkness, who is wonderful and I got to see Chloe Neill again. I got a good earful from the fabulous Krista, Chloe Neill's awesome assistant, about not being caught up on my Chicagoland Vampires so this week I continue with my series reread. Nothing but reading, writing, and work on my plans for this week. Hope everyone has a great week of reading!
Shau: I came back from my vacation and had 4 amazing books waiting for me. I don't know where to start...Chloe Neill, Ilona Andrews, Kresley Cole or Deborah Harkness...so many amazing choices...I think I'll start with Merit. (Head Wench Note: Good choice!)
Zee: So Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells was pretty darn amazing. I find myself loving Kate and John Volos a little more each book. Can't wait for the next one! Other than that, haven't had much time to read between traveling and getting over jet lag.
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