What the Wenches are Reading

A few of us have finally gotten around to each other’s reading recommendations too! Needless to say, we can’t wait to hear what they have to say about them! Click through to see what we’ve been up to, and as always, tell us what fictional universe you are currently residing in! Maybe we’ll be meeting up in the same ones.
Amanda: I’m still reading A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. It is fantastic! I’m only about a third of the way through. Must read faster!
Anne: I’m still reading Inferno by Dan Brown, but it’s actually starting to hold my attention now. I also read some Supernatural fanfic, which was outstanding.
Angela: This week I’m reading White Witch, Black Curse (The Hollows #7) by Kim Harrison. A bit slower to start off, but I have the feeling that a killer is going to be unveiled, and I’ve been waiting for this since book #5. Also reading Magic Mansion by Jordan Castillo Price on my lunch break. Really interesting concept. It started as a serial, and readers were able to vote Magicians out of the Magic Mansion, just like a reality tv show, so Jordan had to write the series around who got eliminated. Very good so far. It would have been fun to have been reading the serial during the time the eliminations were taking place.
Barbara: I finished Eye of the Tempest (Jane True #4) just yesterday. While I am thoroughly enjoying this series, I’m having difficulty keeping interested in one series lately. So I might reread Once Burned (Night Prince #1) so that I can finally read Twice Tempted (Night Prince #2), which I skipped on release day, but now feel calling to me.
Donna: I’ve been busy catching up with Sierra Dean. I stumbled upon her Secret McQueen series last week, thanks to the Alpha Showdown 2013, and I haven’t looked back. Secret lost out to Ethan Sullivan (Chicagoland Vampires), but I’m enjoying getting to know her. Sierra describes herself as an author, shoe afficianado, and rogue historian—what’s not to like? I’ve blown through the first three books in the series (*shifty eyes*) and am working on the fourth book.
Kathi: I needed a real page turner to distract me from thinking about how much I miss visiting with Wench Merit, so I picked up Dan Brown’s new book, Inferno. After a couple of attempts during which I promptly dozed off—too many names and places for me to absorb before I caught up on post-vacation sleep—I got sucked right in and am speeding through it. Of course, speeding for me means I’ll finish in a few days, not hours, like some of the Wenches. It’s an enjoyable read so far!
Merit: This week I read Full Moon (Plenilunio) by Antonio Muñoz Molina, a Spanish novelist. This is a murder mystery that happens in a southern Spanish town. The most important thing is not the actions that occur in the hunt for the murderer, but the emotions of the characters. It’s not an easy read, but it is beautifully written, even as a translation. Now I am reading a new series I know nothing about, except that it is set mostly in Portland, Oregon: Kissed by Darkness by Shéa MacLeod, book 1 of the Sunwalker Saga. Morgan Bailey is a bounty hunter who kills vampires and demons for a living. The story has most of the usual characters in the genre. I am 30% into the book and it looks like a lot of fun.
Natalie: What do you know, I did get something read last week, and no, it was not one of the three books I have been posting about reading. I was able to knock out Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost in just a day! I know I’m months behind the rest of the Wenches with this read, but now I’m all caught up with the Cat and Bones world! I have to say, Cat’s quick appearance in the book makes me look forward to seeing more of her and Bones later this year in Up From the Grave. I enjoyed Leila and Vlad’s book a lot, but not going to lie—I miss me some Bones! And what is on my list for this holiday week here in the states...drum roll please! I am starting book one of the Outlander series. After reading Wench Kathi’s awesome post about author Diana Gabaldon, I chose to start the journey that is this series. I am also continuing with my job hunt; my interview went well this past week. So that is all from my corner of the Wench universe!
Veronica: I’m finishing up Apple Polisher by Heidi Belleau, which isn’t nearly as dirty as it sounds!! It’s advertised as the first book in the Rear Entrance video series, so I’m curious to finish and see how the series is going to be set up. The book will be released in July, and I hope to have a review up for you by then.
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