What the Wenches are Reading

Today, is the day, dear readers! The series that brought the Wenches together finishes with the final installment of Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire Mysteries. A year ago we would have been all over this release, but this time, most of us know what happens, and the wind has been effectively removed from our sails. Wench Angela will be reviewing Dead Ever After, in a week or two, and some of the rest of us will probably have a thing or two to say about how Ms. Harris wrapped up Sookie's adventures, so look for that in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, click through to see what we're reading this week, and then tell us about your choices for this week!
Amanda: I am on my Southern Vampire Mysteries reread. I finished Dead Reckoning (SVM #11). I did not like Sookie very much in this book. I'm already into Deadlocked (SVM #12), and this is my first read of it. I'm happy to see that Sookie's attitude seems a little better in this one. I was starting to worry that I might not care about how she ends ups in the final book, Dead Ever After, released today.
Anne: I read James Patterson's The 12th of Never this week. A very intriguing and different addition to his Women's Murder Club series. I also sped through the Homework series of Supernatural fanfiction. So, so hot!! And I am not a fanfic reader. So, thanks to Veronica, Jaymie, Angela, and others for insisting I read them. And now I'm getting ready for the DEA shitstorm.
Angela: This week I'm reading For a Few Demons More (Rachel Morgan #5) by Kim Harrison and I'm enjoying it. Something tragic just happened though, so it will be interesting to see how things go from here.
Barbara: I finished Tempest Rising (Jane True #1) on Wednesday, and loved it so much I immediately went on to Tracking the Tempest (Jane True #2). I am really loving these books, and they are just the right combination of funny, sexy, and riveting that I needed right now! Thank you, Beta!
Donna: I didn't have a whole lot of time for reading this week, but I did finish Hemlock Grove. This dark novel was creepy and disturbing, so if that's your thing, give it a try. If I hadn't already seen the series (now streaming on Netflix), I probably wouldn't have known what the heck was going on. The book did answer some questions I had, though. I think I preferred the show to the book, which might be due to the brooding glances from little Skars.
Katherine: Not sure what to read this week. My friendly book fairies, Olga and Veronica, have given me some good choices... but I've yet to decide! Damon Suede, Nalini Singh, L.A. Witt, and Jordan Castillo Price are amongst the choices, so either way, I'll be busy!
Kathi: Finally getting to read and listen to Katherine by Anya Seton, a historical novel based on the life-long romance between commoner Katherine Swynford and John (Plantagenet) of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster in the 1300s. (He was the son of Edward III and the father of Henry IV. Their descendants founded the Tudor dynasty, sat on the Stuart throne of Scotland, and served as U.S. presidents, and Katherine’s brother-in-law was Geoffrey Chaucer.) I’m enjoying it very much, though I wish it were more historically accurate (or more detail were available about this fascinating woman) and not so “sanitized for the 1950s.” I am remembering how much I used to enjoy reading historical novels and thinking I might look for a few more to listen to while I garden.
Natalie: I am continuing my reading/searching of the Internet for a job this week. However, when not filling in the blank spots on applications, I will go on the easy side of things when it comes to reading. I will finish Little Women and then move on to the first two books in The Sisters Grimm series, The Fairy Tale Detectives and The Unusual Suspects. My niece is reading those... so I thought it would be fun to join her! Plus the three books from last week were pretty hard core when it came to emotions. I also want to get writing done for both the blog and my book, so reading will take a back seat.
Veronica: I really thought I would be done with the Channeling Morpheus series by now, but I've just started Swarm. It's been a busy week, I guess! The series started out as a fun read, something different than both the vampire and m/m genres, but I've really liked experiencing the growth in Wild Bill and Michael's relationship. They're relationship is oddly healthy and incredibly dysfunctional all at the same time. I love it.
Zee: Started a Chicagoland Vampires reread a couple of days ago to cleanse my mind after certain things that occurred in the world of books. (Took a break with a very trashy period romance between Hard Bitten and Drink Deep... it wasn't very good though.) And it worked like a CHARM! I'm in a happy book place now. Since I'm done, I'm wondering whether I should start Charley Davdison or Jane True! Wench Natalie adorably asked if I'd do a Little Women reread with her, so I just finished that up. That book makes me bawl like a baby! Every single time! And I'd intended to reread The Great Gatsby again this week, but I forgot to pack it for my travels, so I've started a Crime and Punishment reread.
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