What the Wenches Are Reading

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Angela: This week I read Heaven’s Keep (Cork O’Connor #9) by William Kent Krueger. It was a heart-wrenching read this time around and left me a little saddened by the end. One word of advice: Don’t read the blurb of this book before tackling the series. I feel a sense of melancholy when I think about tackling the next book in the series in October.
Anne: I couldn’t find my Night Huntress books anywhere, so I decided to re-read the Cut & Run series. It’s been awhile. I’ve forgotten how much I love these two. In the audio world, I’m listening to Stephen King’s It and The Descendants.
Barb: I'm still reading What Happened. Honestly, friends, it's slow going because it's still raw. I'm about a third through and, while it doesn't quite hurt as much as it did ten months ago, it still hurts. It does feel like a wonderful group therapy session, so maybe I'll be firmly in recovery when I finish.
Donna: My reading list looks much like last week’s: George R. R. Martin’s A Feast For Crows and Hillary Clinton’s What Happened? Even though I’ve only had time for a chapter here, a chapter there, I’m really enjoying both books. Random thought: How would Hillary fare in Westeros? Quite well, I would imagine.
Kathi: This week I’m reading Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. (There’s a TV-and-graphic-novel series with the same name, but this is an unrelated book by the author who wrote the Wayward Pines trilogy.) It starts with some extremely ominous foreshadowing, then is off and running (literally) in just a few pages. Basically, a physics wunderkind gets mugged on the way home from a party and wakes up to discover that none of the life he remembers exists. Parts of this book remind me of Paddy Chayefsky’s Altered States, from 1978. Other parts make me think of the Hall of All Days in Karen Moning’s Fever series! This is a thrilling, fast-paced story that I don’t want to put down! If you’re a physicist, you might balk at the “science”; I’m really not sure because I’m not well educated about quantum mechanics. But for me, this is a suspenseful, highly entertaining pageturner!
Merit: I read Reluctant Concubine (Hardstorm Saga#1) by Dana Marton, an epic-fantasy story. I enjoyed the story, the characters, and especially the world building. A young woman, a healer, her inner journey and physical adventures in a harsh environment. Loved the magic and the fantasy aspects. While the romance was not steamy enough for me, the plot was engaging and entertaining enough. The story was first published with a different name,
The Third Scroll.
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