Blog Tour - The Brightest Fell by Seanan McGuire 9/06/17

We are delighted to have been selected for a blog tour stop for the release of the next October Daye novel, The Brightest Fell. This is one of my must read series every year. The anticipation to find out what happens next with October Daye is always a highlight of my reading calendar. How lucky was I to received an ARC for this book. Very.  Check out our review for The Brightest Fell and the opportunity to win the first book in the series Rosemary and Rue!

Click through to read more!

October Daye #11
Seanan McGuire
IBSN: 9780756413316 | DAW Hardcover| $26.00

Contains an original bonus novella, Of Things Unknown!

Things are slow, and October “Toby” Daye couldn’t be happier about that. The elf-shot cure has been approved, Arden Windermere is settling into her position as Queen in the Mists, and Toby doesn’t have anything demanding her attention except for wedding planning and spending time with her family.

Maybe she should have realized that it was too good to last.

When Toby’s mother, Amandine, appears on her doorstep with a demand for help, refusing her seems like the right thing to do…until Amandine starts taking hostages, and everything changes. Now Toby doesn’t have a choice about whether or not she does as her mother asks. Not with Jazz and Tybalt’s lives hanging in the balance. But who could possibly help her find a pureblood she’s never met, one who’s been missing for over a hundred years?

Enter Simon Torquill, elf-shot enemy turned awakened, uneasy ally. Together, the two of them must try to solve one of the greatest mysteries in the Mists: what happened to Amandine’s oldest daughter, August, who disappeared in 1906.

This is one missing person case Toby can’t afford to get wrong.

Where to Buy

Amazon / Book Depository 

Book Review

I was lucky enough to be provided with the chance to do a review for The Brightest Fell and I have to say, it's my favourite book in the series for a while. It had October on a quest to find her long lost sister August and it really had that sense of adventure throughout the story. October is a hero and heroes go on quests. 

How would October be able to work with Simon Torquill was my first query when I read the book blurb?  They haven't had the easiest of histories and working together might just put both their lives in danger. Can Simon really be trusted?

I also enjoyed getting to see some of our characters let their hair down, so to speak, though their karaoke skills might leave a lot to be desired. What a fun idea, fae singing karaoke. Well it seems a little weird, it had the great effect for me of making the fae seem more human. Even if some of them could kill a human very easily with a look, a spell or strength.

This book has one key element that I have been dying to see for ages. Amandine and October coming face to face. Yet, who would want a mother like Amandine? She's definitely not what I picture a mother to be like. One must consider that in her definition of motherhood is very different to a human's. All I kept thinking was how dysfunctional Amandine's parenting was. Nor was she above blackmail to try to get what she wanted.

I loved the chance to revisit some characters we had met previously.  It was probably my favourite part of the story. Often you do wonder what happened to some of the side characters once a story finishes. McGuire skillfully insert some of these characters into this book. Though consequences ensue and not always for the better.

This was a welcome return to form for the series and I'm waiting with anticipation for Night and Silence (October Daye #12) next year.  Do read this series in order as it makes this book so much more enjoyable.

Enter our giveaway for Rosemary and Rue. 
Contest is open to USA and Canada residents only

Seanan McGuire lives and works in Washington State, where she shares her somewhat idiosyncratic home with her collection of books, creepy dolls, and enormous blue cats. When not writing--which is fairly rare--she enjoys travel, and can regularly be found any place where there are cornfields, haunted houses, or frogs. A Campbell, Hugo, and Nebula Award-winning author, Seanan's first book (Rosemary and Rue, the beginning of the October Daye series) was released in 2009, with more than twenty books across various series following since. Seanan doesn't sleep much. 

You can visit her at

Thank you to Seanan McGuire and Kayleigh Webb at Penguin Random House for allowing us to be part of this blog tour.


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