What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Angela:  I finished The Waking Fire (Draconis Memoria #1) by Anthony Ryan and it was so good. If you love fantasy, mixed up with steampunk this is a great book. Though now I have to wait for the next book to be released. The challenge in my Goodreads 12 month challenge was to read a book set in a country I had never read about before. I picked Burial Rites by Hannah Kent set in Iceland. A harrowing story about a murderess and if she really commit murder. The bleak landscape of early 19th century Iceland where people are largely struggling to make a living. Itโ€™s a hard life and with a supposed murderess thrown into the mix, itโ€™s grim reading. The book had me in tears by the end. Highly recommended for mystery and historical readers.

Anne: I have continued to do a lot of reading! I finished Bound by Flames, Vlad #3. I also started and finished the final Vlad/Night Prince book, Into the Fire. Iโ€™ll have a review on that done soon. In the audio book world, I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I then started Silver Borne, #5 in the Mercy Thompson series. I have some vague memories of this one. Iโ€™m so glad Iโ€™m re-reading this series. Itโ€™s so enjoyable.

Barb: I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows over the weekend. I honestly didn't plan to devour it, it just kind of happened. One evening I got in bed to read for an hour before I went to sleep and suddenly it was 1:00 and I had gotten to Shell Cottage and tragedy. After crying a while I put it away, went to sleep, and picked it back up as soon as I woke up later that morning, finishing it by lunchtime. And now, friends, I am completely lost. Having been immersed in the Wizarding World for the past two months I don't know where I go from here. Again. 
Donna:  I finished Claire Northโ€™s Touch just as her latest The Sudden Appearance of Hope arrived in the mail. Yes, Iโ€™m rediscovering my love of the printed word. After years of enjoying ebooks, I find myself really appreciating holding a book in my hands. Beautiful book covers deserve their place in the world, not just on a screen you can turn off at will. Getting back to The Sudden Appearance of Hope, this is the story of a girl no one remembers once out of sight. Brilliant premise - Iโ€™m hooked! 

Kathi: This might be the first week I can remember where I didn't find opportunities to read, though I did finally get to barely begin my reread of Dark Debt. And it felt so good, I look forward to lots of airplane time to get reacquainted with my CLV pals in a few days.

Merit:  I have nothing to report so far, I tried three different books but none grabbed my attention and I stopped my reading after a few chapters. Iโ€™m waiting for the latest and final book in the wonderful Chicagoland Vampires series: Blade Bound by Chloe Neill, hopefully Iโ€™ll start reading it during the weekend.


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