What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week. 

Angela:  This week I read Proven Guilty (Dresden Files #8) by Jim Butcher. I am loving this series. Each book just seems to get better and better, and I can clearly see why Butcher has been able to maintain momentum with the series. One of his tricks seems to be having secondary characters that get revolved between the books, hence you never get bored with the other characters. I canโ€™t wait to carry on with this series.

Anne: Iโ€™m still wallowing in fanficion. Iโ€™m trying to work myself up to reading the last Vlad book, Into the Fire, but I havenโ€™t worked myself up to it yet. In the audio book world, Iโ€™m starting a re-listen of the Harry Potter series, inspired by Head Wench Barbโ€™s reread.

Barb: I finished Goblet of Fire. You guys. That book. My god, that book. There is a specific moment where the series goes from being a fun, fantasy children's series to being so.much.more. One moment. If you've read them you know that moment, when Harry grows up in a hurry, when everything in the Wizarding World changes. I'm awed by J.K. Rowling's skill. I've also watched the first three movies and moved right on to reading Order of the Phoenix. I've reached the point where I'm consumed by this world and it's taking up much of my free time. Which is a beautiful place to be. 

Donna:  This week I started Touch by my favorite author du jour - Claire North. She is responsible for my book hangover last year with the fabulous The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

Kathi: I needed something sweet and simple while I processed the MaddAddam trilogy, so I picked up the new Lisa Clark Oโ€™Neill book, Shattered. Loved it, just like I love all her books (series review here). They are perfect comfort reading for taking a break and cheering myself up. And since that book isnโ€™t available in audio form, during treadmill sessions I got back to the nonfiction Chasing the Scream, which is a book about U.S. drug policy that is so infuriating I canโ€™t read it sitting still.  

Merit: I continue enjoying the Blackwood Security series with book#3: Forever Black. Again, the story is full of action, plot twists and romance. Because I started the series with book #6 by mistake, I was quite curious to find out how the author was going to solve a big twist from book 2. I must say I wasnโ€™t disappointed with her solution. I also started The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay, a book that was recommended here, not long ago, by wench Angela. I love the story, the atmosphere, and the characters I met so far. Moorish Spain is an intriguing period in history.


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