What The Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading! 

Angela:  Iโ€™ve been a reading machine this week.  Although that is in part because Iโ€™ve been delaying starting some longer books. This week I read Cork Oโ€™Connor #4 Blood Hollow by William Kent Krueger, and this series just gets better and better. Easily a five-star read. Contemporary mystery lovers. This is a great series and you wonโ€™t be disappointed giving it a go. I then read the last Graveyard Queen book, The Awakening (#6) by Amanda Stevens. Satisfying ending to a much loved series of mine. Amelia Gray was exactly where she wanted to be. Lastly, I read Lady Julia Grey #4, Dark Road to Darjeeling by Deanna Raybourn, and it was my favourite in the series to date. The ending was deeply saddening and I look forward to reading the final book in the series next month.

Anne: I finally got the fanfiction bug out of my system. I started to read the last Night Prince book by Jeaniene Frost, Into the Fire, but I realized after one chapter I didn't remember the last book. So, I went back to the beginning and I'm reading Once Burned. In the audio world, I finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and started the next Mercy Thompson book, Bone Crossed.

Barb: I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That book is still my favorite of the series, leaving me as awed after finishing as I was the first time I read it. I've moved right on to Half-Blood Prince. I'm enjoying the hell out of this reread and formulating ideas for posts as I go. Look for some Harry Potter talk in the coming weeks. 

Donna: This week, my attention has been claimed by Claire Northโ€™s Touch, the story of a โ€œghostโ€ who is able to jump from host to host. Iโ€™m still trying to figure out who all the players are, since they are being slowly revealed. The main character, Kepler, is trying to find out why and how an assassin is after both him and his latest host. Things get very interesting when he jumps into the body of the assassin.

Kathi: I enjoyed Big Little Lies so much on TV that I decided to read the book. So far, Iโ€™m picking up a lot of clues that werenโ€™t in the show or I missed. Plus thereโ€™s an Erotic Fiction Book Club! Really enjoying the book so far! 

Merit: I am still reading The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay. This epic fantasy is mesmerizing. The medieval world is engaging, the emotional pull of the main characters is really strong. The useless, futile and cruel wars. It's a captivating tale.


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