What the Wenches Are Reading

Happy release day, Saucy Readers! Today we are getting the next installment in the series that made The Saucy Wenches the group we are--Burned, book 7 in Karen Marie Moning outstanding Fever series is hitting our doorsteps and e-readers today. So, if you don't hear from us for a few days send a search party. With chocolate.
Click through to see what else we've been up to before Burned derails our reading lists.
Amanda: Continuing with A Dance with Dragons by GRRM. It's getting good! I was SO hoping to be done before Burned came out, but since that's today(!!!), I guess that's not happening!
Angela: This week I read Stone Cold by Devon Monk and loved it. So great to read a UF series which is only two books long and told from male POVs.
Anne: I've been reading Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost, in anticipation of Bound by Flames next week. I'm also about halfway through my Insurgent audio book. They are enjoyable, but sometimes Tris and Four irritate me. I forget that they are teenagers.
Barb: I started Iced last week but didn't get very far due to working on knitting a teddy bear for my niece's birthday. Then I got a couple of delightful surprises on Friday when early copies of both Bound by Flames and Dark Debt showed up at my house. Chicagoland Vampires being my most anticipated new release, I started that one Friday evening. And finished it Sunday afternoon. I would have finished Saturday night but real life called. At any rate, Dark Debt is as fantastic as we've come to expect from Chloe Neill and Chicagoland Vampires, so look for a complete review closer to release day. Now I have to decide whether I'm going back to Dublin to finish Iced, wait for Tuesday for Burned, or read the next Vlad book that's waiting for me. It's so tough being a book blogger. (ETA: Since it's Tuesday, I'm sure to be firmly entrenched in Burned.)
Care: This week's list is much less impressive, being only the continuation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, alongside finishing Sorceress of Darshiva and Seeress of Kell, but I did also get... about a third of the way through Belgarath the Sorcerer, and dammit, I'm flat refusing to leave this fictional world just yet. TOO SOON.
Donna: I've taken a break from The Book Thief to reread Karen Marie Moning's Iced before the next installment Burned is released this Tuesday. Dani and Ryo are trying to discover who or what is turning Dublin into a giant icebox. It's been two years since I read it, so I'm still a little sketchy on the details.
Kathi: This week I’m back from my cruise and busy dealing with all the real life stuff that happened while I was away. I also brought a souvenir cough and cold back with me, which has made me too sleepy to read much. But I am beginning a reread of Iced in anticipation of the upcoming Burned release, so I expect to be blissfully ensconced in the Fever world for the next week or two.
Merit: First, I finished Kresley Cole’s Dead of Winter the epic Arcana Chronicles third installment. I cried, I laughed and had a lot of fun reading it. Second, I read a story, one which a friend of mine made me read, she practically “forced” me to read it, I had no saying in the matter. Transcendence by Shay Savage, one of the strangest but sweetest stories I read lately. I think I may have to write a post about it, I can’t seem to make up my mind about this story.
Shau: I'm reading Last Call by Alice Clayton. The conclusion of her Cocktail series (we all remember Wallbanger). The book is really cute, funny and gives you closure. Sort of like a longish epilogue.
Zee: This past week, I reread Iced, read the latest Prospero's War book, Deadly Spells (review coming soon!) and JUST finished Dark Debt, the latest Chicagoland Vampires series! Man, I don't do long series unless they are REALLY, really amazing throughout, and what can I say? Chloe Neill keeps it amazing. Also, CANNOT WAIT FOR BURNED!
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