What the Wenches Are Reading

A serious cold snap is gripping much of the Wenches' hometowns, so we are finding all the excuses we can to stay inside and read. Click through to find out who's reading new finds, who's rereading favorites in preparation for upcoming releases, and who's reading some of those new releases. And share your list in the comments below.
Angela: Reading The Hour of Dust and Ashes (Charlie Madigan #3) and I continue to enjoy this series. Action packed and a heroine who continues to be interesting. One book to go!
Anne: I didn't have much time for reading again this week. Baby Wolverine turned one this past Friday. So, I was busy cleaning and party prepping. But, I did finish my Divergent audio book and started book #2, Insurgent. I'm really enjoying this series, so far.
Barb: I reread Blood Games this week, in anticipation of the upcoming release of Dark Debt and Lucky Break. You're as addicted to Chicagoland Vampires as I am, right? This series is one of the best out there, simply superb from beginning to where we are now, and better with every book. There is so much to love in Blood Games, which I reviewed and Zee and I discussed. Next I'm on to Iced, since it's just over a week until Burned releases. *insert shrill fangirl squeal here*
Care: So, it's been a while since I checked in. Holidays, small-fry hockey, and general craziness (and The SIMs 4) have kept me mostly offline, but that certainly doesn't seem to have curbed my reading any! Since the last time I popped in here, I've finished Pawn of Prophecy, sure. But also Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter's End Game, Guardians of the West, King of the Murgos, and Demon Lord of Karanda, and have just started Sorceress of Darshiva. I'm calling it one doozy of a beginning to the year, and I'm beyond glad for the rereading time, it's been so many years. The little man and I are still in the middle of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, as well, and we're enjoying the blazes out of that book, too! What a January!
Donna: I'm reading The Book Thief by Mark Zusak. The film was great, and I have a hunch I'm going to love the novel even more!
Kathi: I'm still on a cruise this week, completely absorbed in reading the second half of the Chicagoland Vampires series!!
Merit: I've started BloodLines, World of the Lupi #3, but didn't read much as Kresley Cole’s The Arcana Chronicles third book Dead of Winter is out. I had to put aside Lily Yu, her cool gang and magical world for Evie Green, her tarot cards gang and dystopian world. I impatiently waited for this book to show up on my kindle and I’m already halfway through. I just can’t make up my mind about trusting anyone, I think it’s the first time I can’t make up my mind between the main 2 guys, (just like Evie…). Back to my book.
Zee: Started reading Deadly Spells by Jaye Wells! GREAT to back in Kate Prospero's world. SO much rich back history! Not enough Volos yet haha, but enjoying the read!
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