What the Wenches are Reading
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We have quite the mix of reading choices this week! Some Wenches are too busy to read, while others are continuing epics, rereading beloved favorites, investigating real events, or discovering new gems. Click through to see what's captivated us this week.
And don't forget to tell us what you're reading, in the comments below!
Amanda: I finished A Game of Thrones. The one person I thought this book really needed, like as the anchor of all the other characters...died. I started A Clash of Kings; longest prologue ever! LOL! I love it though, and I am all in.
Anne: I am finishing up Divide & Conquer in my Ty & Zane re-read and will be moving on to Armed & Dangerous soon. Looking forward to some Julian Cross in my life. I also read a bit of Supernatural fan fiction.
Barbara: I read Biting Cold and moved on to House Rules, in preparation for the August 6 release of the next Chicagoland Vampires book, Biting Bad. It goes without saying that I love these books, but I love them more and more with each reading.
Beta: Real Life has really been getting in the way of my reading time, so I haven‘t been reading a thing for weeks now... as I'm sure all of you have noticed... right? ;) My 13-year-old daughter is making me look really bad; in one week she's read all 10 books of The Princess Diaries series, finished The Fault In Our Stars, and just started The Perks of Being a Wallflower! To be fair, she's enjoying her summer vacation. But I've finally started reading The Fiery Cross again, and gawd I've missed my Jamie and Claire. I've read only 4 or 5 chapters this week, but those chapters have been very interesting to say the least. I've been reading about Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley, and wow what a story. It's amazing to see a writer connect scenes together, even when they happened years and years apart, and do it so well. That is something Ms. Gabaldon sure knows how to do.
Donna: I've gotten hooked on Jennifer Estep and her Elemental Assassin Series. So far I've read Spider's Bite, Web of Lies, Venom, Tangled Threads, and Spider's Revenge. Next up is By a Thread. The heroine (anti-heroine?) is Gin, a trying-to-stay-retired assassin named Spider — hence all the cute book names. Some people just need killing, though — ya know?
Kathi: Still reading The Unwinding and, seriously, can hardly bring myself to put it down (when I can find time to read). This is nonfiction, current issues, not the usual fare here. But if you’re ever in the mood, I agree wholeheartedly with Jon Stewart, this book is stunning. I would say I can’t remember the last time I was stunned into jawdropping silence, but I cannot say that because I just watched the Red Wedding on Game of Thrones...
Merit: Reading White Witch, Black Curse. Yes, still in The Hollows series. I was too busy to read much this week, but I do enjoy the story and characters very much.
Veronica: This week I read You Can't Be Any Poorer Than Dead by Flannery O'Connor. It's been forever since I've read anything of hers, and I've missed how beautifully she writes. Her prose is like poetry, and her writing suits her subject matter. Stark, plain-spoken, yet painfully beautiful. I had to pause several times in reading because some of the passages in this story just took my breath away.
Zee: Haven't had much time this week. Definitely need more hours in a day! Still reading some Gaiman. But not as often as I'd like!
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