What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Angela: This week Iโ€™ve finished Veil of the Deserters (Bloodsounderโ€™s Arc #2) by Jeff Salyards. I thought it was a bit slow moving for the first half of the book, but by the end the payoff was worth it, plus a few things needed to happen in the slow first half for the ending to occur. Looking forward to reading the final book in the trilogy Chains of the Heretic. Iโ€™ve now moved onto Saintโ€™s Blood (Greatcoats #3) by Sebastien de Castell. Iโ€™m looking forward to another swashbuckling adventure! Hopefully Iโ€™ll learn to like Ethalia a little bit better. If ever there was a love interest that a book to do without, this is it. Donโ€™t let that put you off. Itโ€™s a very minor part of the series. Well at this stage.

Anne:  I finished up Twice Bitten and decided I needed a break from the CLV world for a bit. So, I plowed through Abi Roux' Part & Parcel and moved on to #3 of the Cut & Run series, Fish & Chips. I'm enjoying being back in that world again. I've missed Ty, Zane, and the Sidewinder boys. On the audiobook front, I'm more than 3/4 of the way through An Echo in the Bone. It's getting really good now, even the William and John stories that were boring me before, are interesting now.  

Barb: I'm still reading Everything I Left Unsaid by Molly O'Keefe. And I haven't gotten very far. I guess this was one of those "distracted and can't focus on reading" weeks. It happens. 

Care: I've been fighting some kind of weirdo migraine-style headaches whenever I use my eyes for anything smaller than picking up Froot Loops, so reading has been incredibly difficult this week. However! I have a Kindle now, which has come to the rescue! Between enlarging text and audiobooks, I've been able to get a few things read, mercifully! I made my way through Crash & Burn, Shock & Awe, and Cross & Crown before the headaches started. After, I made it through Part & Parcel, and am now wandering through Caught Running while I wait to get into the doctor and sort this shit out!

Kathi: I continued reading Eligible, but deliberately slowed my pace (which was not easy) so Iโ€™d have a chance to finish a review Iโ€™m writing before I needed to review this book! Itโ€™s a delightful read, so far. On the treadmill, I finished listening to The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, which was highly recommended to me and I now highly recommend to others! I started listening to Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs. I might have to add a punching bag to my treadmill to alleviate my frustration with the โ€œplotโ€.         

Merit:  I read a very different kind of book this week: Gut by Giulia Enders. I donโ€™t remember myself enjoying a science or biology book that much. This is the story of one of our bodyโ€™s most underrated organs, and Ms. Enders presents it in a fun way. I didnโ€™t know the level of importance of the bacteria's role on our health and our mood and weight. Written in a simple, witty, accessible way, it is a quick, enjoyable read. (The original book is in German.)


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