What the Wenches Are Reading

The holiday season is busy for everyone and it's no different for the Wenches! Some of us a knee-deep in rereading Fever, while others are heading that way, or at least wishing they were. Still others are wishing for the time and drive to read anything at all. Click through to see who's reading, and who is only wishing they could! What are you reading, Saucy Reader? 

Amanda: I know you will be **SO** surprised to hear this! I'm still on Faefever! Ack! I'm actually thinking that since Feverborn (and our trip to New Orleans Feverborn Launch Party!) is about a month out, that I should start on Burned right away. Faefever can chill until we meet again. My re-reads of Fever series usually go like this anyway: I read here and there, but don't do a full "start to finish" re-read. I think that just having pieces of Fever now and then is enough to fulfill me, maybe?  

Anne: I'm just about done with Dreamfever and I can't wait to sink my teeth into Shadowfever. I am also desperately trying to finish Drums of Autumn. I can't wait to find out what happens!!! Of course, holiday prepping is getting in the way of all of this, but I will overcome!

Barb: I'm still reading Iced. It's been slow going this week. I did finish knitting a blanket, so that makes it okay that I haven't read much!   

Care: This week... It's been a little rough. I've spent more time in ice arenas watching small children play hockey than I like to think about, and between that, elfin mischief, and holiday shopping?  It's been moderately insane over here.  I did, however, get to take a quick turn through Shock & Awe this week, which has been a nice change after all my running and moving and jumping and doing.  Now, if only life would slow down enough for me to hop onto the Fever-reread train, I'd be golden!

Donna: I haven't had time to read this week - heck, I haven't even watched a Christmas movie yet! I did make some cookies, though, so here is a favorite recipe from my childhood for you to enjoy. You're welcome. 

Newfoundland Snowballs
In a large saucepan, combine and boil together gently over medium high heat for 5 minutes or until mixture reaches about 230 degrees F on a candy thermometer:
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 3/4 cup melted butter
  • 1 & 1/4 cups milk
Once mixture begins to boil it is very important not to stir it at all.
Mix together:
  • 3 cups large rolled oats
  • 1 cup unsweetened fine coconut
  • 12 tbsp cocoa
Add the boiled mixture to the dry ingredients until well combined and chill until mixture is able to be shaped into 1 1/2 inch balls. Roll the balls in additional coconut. Makes about 4 dozen. These freeze very well.

Kathi: This week I finished 11/22/63 while flying home from a long trip. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and was completely surprised by some things Stephen King threw at me toward the end. Not what I expected, at all. After a couple of days of dazed jetlag, I decided it was finally time. Probably past time, but better late than never. I have officially set aside my Scottish obsessions (in literary form only โ€” my Facebook feed is still Outlander central!) for a return trip to Dublin. Iโ€™m blazing through Darkfever, catching the KMM Fever, looking forward to seeing all my old faves again!!  

Zee: I haven't been much of a reader recently. Sigh. Sorry readers and Wenches. Lets hope I find something soon that gets me going again!


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