Fangirl Friday: Gorgeous Nails!

Warning: My Fangirl Friday is going to be completely and utterly frivolous...all nails!!

Yep! I'm fangirling my nails. Why, you may ask? Because I haven't always had nails, and having beautiful nails is something I don't take for granted. (Yet, I wish I could!). I'm not alone in my adoration of pretty nails! Head wench Barbara is a nail polish enthusiast! 

Join me after the jump for some cute ideas and pictures!

OMG Hysterical!!!
My backstory:

I am a nail biter/picker. I say "am" because this is still something I battle with. I have bitten my nails all my life. (Except for that 6 months of my life that I didn't. Yeah, I remember it. I hoped it would last. It didn't.) Well, about 8 years ago or so, I decided that this terrible habit is just something I won't overcome, so it's time to give up hope that I will and do something about it! I knew if I didn't, I would end up one day with barely a nub for a nail, and that is not pretty. Nubs is all I had anyway, really. The tragedy is that my natural nail is strong. When I have let them grown out, they bend, but don't break. My natural nails are seriously amazing. What a waste! 

So, I decided that I would start doing acrylic nails. This was kind of a big decision for me because the reason I resisted it was because I would have to keep going back to get them filled in. One word: COMMITMENT. I decided that I would have to just do it, though; there was no other choice. 

So, I've been doing acrylic nails for that long. I'm not the best at getting my fill-ins when I should...and when I wait too long, guess what happens? I pick off the acrylic, thus proving that after all this time of limited access to my nails, that core bad habit is still there. Even as recently as last week, I picked off 7 out of 10 of my acrylic nails...and by some Thanksgiving miracle, I DID NOT destroy my natural nails that had grown out underneath! I was so elated, I thought, "Maybe this time, I can beat this thing!" Well, long story short, I destroyed all those suckers a few days ago. I was pretty disappointed with myself, but decided that what was done was done, and got on over to my nail salon to get acrylic put back on. *sigh* Anyway, I have nails one way or another, and that's all that matters! 

I love do fun and different things with my nails. No pale polishes here! I prefer bright colors, in pink, purple, blue, and sometimes yellow! I've also been hooked on having an accent nail or just not having all of them the same!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pink and yellow! 
Panthers Athletic Club Homecoming nails!
2013 & 2014


About a year ago, I discovered the company Jamberry. I have a friend who is a consultant, Allison Morris, and through her I had an online party through facebook, and from that, ended up with a ton of nail wraps. If you don't know what Jamberry is, here is a description from their website:
Jamberry nail wraps are made with durable materials, so smudges and streaks are never an issue, and can last for up to two weeks on fingernails and four weeks on toes. With over 300 nail wraps in an incredible variety of designs, you can customize, pair, and layer Jamberry nail wraps to create a look thatโ€™s all your ownโ€”all from the comfort of your home.
A lot of people haven't heard of Jamberry. I know this because I get a lot of compliments on my nails, and when I tell them about them, they don't know what they are. The number one question people have is how to apply them. Here's a description and video on application:

1. Clean unpolished nails with alcohol wipe and push back the cuticles.
2. Match nail (finger or toe) to the nail wrap that best fits. 
3. Peel off nail wrap and warm with a mini heater or blow-dryer for 3-5 seconds or until soft and flexible.
4. When warm, press the wrap onto the nail. Apply firm pressure around edges to adhere the wrap to the nail. Use rubber cuticle pusher to seal the wrap around the base of the cuticle.
5. Trim the top with scissors and file off remaining wrap using a downward motion to remove excess.
6. Apply heat and pressure to the wrap again until it is bonded to the nail.
The reason I love using Jamberry is because I love colors and fun designs! When I do a new Jamicure, it's so cute, I can't stop looking at them! Even if your tastes run more neutral than mine, they have beautiful colors and designs for all tastes. 

Some pics of my favorite Jam-icures:
My all-time fave: Custom Panthers Jamberrys
for my son's football team! SO freakin cute! 
My NYE nails! LOVE this design with the
gold accent nail!
My Christmas Jamberrys were a big hit!
So, that's my simple pleasure, Saucy Readers. Do you love to beautify your nails, or are you more of a go-natural type of girl?


  1. Thanks for sharing the application instructions. fake nails are always in trend.


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