What The Wenches Are Reading

This week, we've been reading a lot of each other's recommendations, rereading and listening to Wench favorite series, and discovering lots of new worlds and characters! We're also EXCITED we got a chance to read the very awesome Chloe Neill's brand new series, The Veil! Yay!

Let us know what you've been up to, readers!

Click through to see what we've been reading. 

Angela: This week I'm reading Honor's Knight (Paradox #2) by Rachel Bach. I'm not a huge sci-fi fan and whilst I enjoyed the first book Fortune's Pawns, I am not buying the romance angle in the series. I just do not see the chemistry between Devi and Rupert and as such it is probably the weakest element for me in the book. I have the feeling like I would have enjoy the book a whole lot more if there wasn't the undercurrent of romance.

Anne: I haven't been doing much actual reading this week. I'm fighting a sinus infection and pink eye. It's not fun. But, I did start listening to Outlander on my commute. It's enjoyable so far, though I'm not very far into it yet.

Barb: I was knee-deep in Dreamfever when my advance copy of The Veil by the spectacular Chloe Neill arrived. I finished it over the weekend and absolutely loved it! Look for a review at the end of July, but mark your calendar for this release. Chloe Neill fans are going to love this one, giving us something to look forward to as our beloved Chicagoland Vampires series draws to a close. After finishing The Veil I went back to Dreamfever and also started reading Grimm's Household Tales in preparation for a literature class I'm taking this summer. I have to say that Disney has completely changed how we remember these tales making it interesting to read the originals. 

Kathi: This week I finished Finding Fraser, a light-hearted story about an Outlander fan who sells everything she has and goes to Scotland to find her own personal Jamie Fraser. It helped me relieve my current Outlander TV series anxiety as the season ends. I didnโ€™t want to get caught up in another story before Iโ€™d written a review, so I picked up The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, which has been patiently awaiting me on my e-reader. Iโ€™m about halfway through. Itโ€™s educational in a highly relatable way, and enthralling but depressing.
Merit: End of Days left me yearning for more stories about Angelsโ€™ myth and lore. I surfed the web, looking for a good book and found The Rephaim series by Paula Weston. It is a story about half angels, offspring of fallen angels and mortal women: the Rephaim, the story has an intricate and interesting world. Most of the story takes place in Australia in a small beach town, but Rephaim can shift, so they go around the world, from Italy to Dubai and LA. The story unfolds very slowly; we try to find out what is going on together with Gaby, our heroine. There are more questions raised as we go along. It is difficult to trust any person; everyone seems to have their own agenda. A few fallen angels and more demons with hellions walk around, there is nonstop action and of course sexual tension between the main characters. There are 4 books in this series; book# 4 will be out this June.

Zee:  I haven't really gotten a lot of reading done this week, but I did read Nicole Peeler's Jinn and Juice, which I enjoyed! I'm itching to read Chloe Neill's The Veil! Especially after Barb loved it! 


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