What the Wenches Are Reading

~~ Cornelia Funke, Inkspell
Click through to see what the Wenches are reading this week.
Amanda: I am an unfocused mess! I have given up on The Shadows, not because it's not good, but because I just can't get invested in it. I was around 18%. I decided to start Outlander, and it's slow going so far. I think Real Life is just too busy to get into a whole lot right now. Wish me luck!
Angela: I'm excited! Busy reading End of Days (Penryn & The End of Days #3) by Susan Ee. I can't wait to see what happens next and this is one of my most anticipated new releases for 2015. Can't wait to discuss with Wench Zee, who was lucky enough to get a preview copy.
Barb: I've been working my way through Dreamfever, and savoring every single page. Even after reading this series several times, I still have so many questions and find new things every time. I'm about halfway through but just had a dilemma dropped in my lap: I just received an ARC that I've been anxiously awaiting and I also have to start reading for a class I'm taking this summer. So, finish Dreamfever, put it aside for my ARC, or start my assigned readings. What to do, what to do?
Care: I've reached the point where I'm thoroughly disappointed to see an epilogue at the end of a story. That means there won't be any more! ANGUISH! This week was a reread week for me - I reread Rescued, by Felice Stevens, I think for the fourth time this year, and I picked up and read L.A. Witt's For the Living... and then promptly reread it. And I may be rereading it again after my craziness tonight. It ends with an epilogue, and I'm SO upset about it - I WANT MORE JAY AND SCOTT, DAMMIT! *sob* It's hard to be a reader. I think I need a fainting couch.
Donna: This week I read The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley. I really love how she uses a modern day character to bring the lead character from the past to life. I'm also really impressed with amount of research that goes into each of her novels. Bravo!
Kathi: I spent an afternoon letting my eyes recover from surgery by finishing my Gone Girl audio book—which was awesome! I started to pick up Susan Ee’s Penryn series, which I've been anxiously awaiting the last book of. Then I thought I might have time to write a review of Colleen Gleason’s Draculia series, so I pulled that up on my e-reader for a quick reread. But I have been a complete nervous wreck over the final two Outlander season 1 TV episodes, which will emotionally gut me, and I can’t really stop thinking about Claire and Jamie as they battle for their lives. I needed some Outlander comfort, so I picked up the brand new Finding Fraser—about an Outlander fan who sells her belongings, takes off to Scotland to find Jamie Frasier, and blogs her adventures. Light, funny, and completely relatable—it has helped me laugh and stay calm!
Merit: End of Days!!! That’s what I’ve been reading and rereading this week. This is the third book in Penryn & the End of Days series by Susan Ee. It had everything I was looking for and more. An epic ending to this amazing and beautiful story. I was happy to find out the end was not rushed or out of proportions in any way. There is a new fun group of supporting cast, the Watchers! I wish Ms Ee would write their stories. Aside from the apocalyptic setting, angles, tons of action and great characters, this story is about humanity, about family ties, about accepting the differences of others. How easily we judge others without really knowing them. How much will we do for our family and friends? How much for love? How much for our Earth regardless of color, religion, gender or any other stereotypical excuse given as why we fear or feel contempt for others. Ahm, I got carried away..well, it is a fantastic story!
Zee: This past week I haven't really been in the mood to read so it's been a bit slow. I did, however, read Melanie Karsak's The Harvesting. I really enjoyed it! Zombie apocalypse, female protagonist, and a LOT more going on than meets the eye! I also tried Cassie Wright's Honeycomb Falls books--not bad. I love how nice the alphas are (while still unmistakably alpha). I'm so tired of the asshole alpha cliche, since it's rarely done well. The books are good for a short, sweet, smutty read if you're in the mood.
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