What the Wenches Are Reading

Some Wenches aren't reading either of these releases (crazy, I know!), so click through to see what other books we're reading this week. And as always, tell us what you're reading, in the comments below.
Amanda: I've put A Clash of Kings on hold to read the newly released Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews. After an emotionally powerful start, it's stalling out a bit for me. I'm sure it will pick up. The good news is that it looks like we'll get a lot of Saiman in this one!
Anne: I'm still moving along through the Cut & Run series. But I'll have to put it down to read Biting Bad!! And some of the Wenches and I are going to a Chloe Neill signing on Friday!! So excited!
Angela: Finished Ever After (The Hollows #11) by Kim Harrison. Fantastic series. I can't say enough about how great it was for the urban fantasy genre. The ending was just perfect. Harrison is writing two more books, and then the series will be wrapped up. I also finished Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson #5). I have to say, though, I'm starting to have a little bit of a problem sometimes with the light-hearted tone of the book during dire situations. I love it when Charley is interacting with Cookie; I think it is perfect. But when someone is relating something (I'm trying to stay vague for anyone who hasn't read it) serious, then they really should pay attention.
Barbara: I finished Stranger by Megan Hart, which was so good that I picked up another Megan Hart book, Switch. Her books really are captivating, and so much more than their genre! I'll probably be pausing Stranger for a bit while I read Wrong Ways Down,. And after reading about the other Wenches' weeks, I'm sheepishly admitting that I didn't even think to mention I'll be hanging out with Anne, Natalie, our friend Care, and Chloe Neill in Chicago this weekend. But that doesn't diminish how unbearably excited about that I am!
Donna: As expected, I finished up The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. Book 3, Beyond the Shadows, tied everything up pretty neatly. I will say Book 1, The Way of Shadows, was still my favorite. Loved it! Next on my reading list is Magic Rises, the new installment in the Kate Daniels (Ilona Andrews) series. I've found it hard to get engaged, because I'm still suffering from a Night Angel hangover. I'll keep plugging away — I'm sure Kate and Curran will kick my ass if I don't snap out of it soon.
Kathi: Read The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory, which was completely unplanned, but it perfectly scratched an itch I’ve had to indulge in more British historical drama. Set during the War of the Roses, fought between the Lancaster and York branches of the royal Plantagenet family, it tells the story of Elizabeth Woodville Grey (Lancaster) and the newly crowned Edward IV (York). Married in secret, theirs was a love (or luvst) match highly disapproved of by his political advisers. Their sons were the two boys whom history has assumed were murdered in the Tower of London by Richard III, Henry Tudor, or another contender for the throne; their oldest daughter, Elizabeth, married Henry VII and gave birth to Henry VIII. Gregory wrote a whole series of books set in this era. I’m not blown away by the writing, but the story keeps my eyes glued to the pages, and I plan to read more. A Starz/BBC television series based on this book begins this month.
Merit: I am reading Shadow of Night by Brent Weeks, a book recommended by the generous Wench Angela. Wow! Amazing story. It has been a while since I read a pure fantasy book. It is dark and compelling. I love every minute so far.
Natalie: So my summer has been rather poor for reading. I did get a job — mind you, I wish it paid more, but it is looking good for down the road. I have to keep my eye on the prize. However, this week the time suck is not just related to work. It is going to be a week jam packed with family, friends, and food. My Mom is visiting from out of state, and then on Friday I’m going to see the Wenches and Ms. Neill! I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it! I’m about to lose control and I think I like it! (If I were a puppy, my tail would be wagging!)
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