What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week!
Angela: This week I was fortunate enough to have a review copy of Revolt (Godsknife #1) by Timothy C. Ward to read. It was a likable first in series and if scary, giant praying mantises are your thing, this series might well be for you. Look out for my review in the next couple of weeks.
Anne: I'm still living in a fanfiction world, but I might move on soon. Last week, I started and finished the new Eddie Redmayne audio book of Fantastic Beasts. It was delightful. Then, I started Mercy Thompson #3, Iron Kissed.
Barb: I finished Prisoner of Azkaban and have moved right on to Goblet of Fire. I don't know if I mentioned that this is the first time I've reread these books in about ten years, but it's different, and so much better, reading the series as a middle-aged person. I appreciated it in my twenties, make no mistake, but now that I'm older it just means so much more. I'm picking up more details, more nuance, and I'm reading more into it, empathizing with characters I didn't years ago. That said, I still don't like Snape, pending redemption or not. I have opinions about that. But I am thoroughly enjoying Harry Potter and don't anticipate reading anything else until I finish.
Donna: Well, I didn’t do any reading this week. Between work and an unexpected trip back home, my free time was basically non-existent. That all changed Saturday night, when hubby and I went out for paella and tapas. We had some time to kill before our reservation, so we stopped by the bookstore (guess who’s idea?). I picked up Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology (to go along with the audio book I purchased a few weeks ago) and Lawrence M. Krauss’s The Greatest Story Ever Told - So Far: Why Are We Here? Yes, I’m having deep thoughts these days.
Kathi: I finished MaddAddam (MaddAddam #3), Margaret Atwood’s deeply disturbing, poignant, and mesmerizing dystopian (or as she likes to call it, “speculative”) view of a not-too-distant future that is marvelously creative and yet all too believable. After a slow start for me, because book #1 is really hard to follow when you have the flu, I ended up liking this series so much that I’m already writing a review. I also look forward to rereading it soon, because I’m sure I missed a lot of details.
Merit: This week has been really hectic. I had no time to read. Between the good parts and the bad parts of this week, I didn’t have a free minute. I plan a meeting for me and my Kindle next week.
Shau: For this week I’ve decided to start Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs. So far, Mercy Thompson has been doing ok story wise. I don’t have any big expectations from the latest installment. I hope I’m wrong, but sometimes these neverending series just lose their appeal (hopefully this is not the case with this series, and that it has an actual ending).
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