Fangirl Friday: Santa Clarita Diet

A Diet You Can Actually Stick With.

I've been putting off tackling my daunting TBR list, and catching up on all my usual shows. So, of course, it makes sense that I'd start a brand new one. Because, why not? 

I was browsing Netflix and saw Drew Barrymore, figured I'd give the first episode a go, and that was it. I was hooked. 

Click through to read why you should definitely give Santa Clarita Diet a chance! (NO SPOILERS!)

Official synopsis:
In Santa Clarita Diet, Joel (Timothy Olyphant, Justified) and Sheila (Drew Barrymore, Blended) are husband and wife realtors leading vaguely discontented lives in the L.A. suburb of Santa Clarita with their teenaged daughter Abby (Liv Hewson), until Sheila goes through a dramatic change sending their lives down a road of death and destructionโ€ฆbut in a good way.
That's almost all I want to say because going in with zero expectations was insanely fun. So I'm going to keep the info at a minimum.

The series is about husband and wife realtors, Sheila and Joel (Olyphant), raising their teenaged daughter Abby (Liv Hewson) in Santa Clarita. On the surface everything seems almost dull in how ordinary it is. Weird neighbors, difficult teenager, the usual, nothing out of the ordinary here, right?

Well, turns out, there's a lot more going on than you'd think. The first episode should suck you right in. Sheila goes through a bit of an ordeal, that may or may not involve a LOT of puke. It's gross. Warning: I've heard some people have had issues with the gore and grossness. It did not put me off. In fact, a lot of it is kinda hilarious! 

Nathan Fillion & Timothy Olyphant talking vomit.
Come on. How many shows are going to give you that?
 The series is basically Sheila dealing with brand new circumstances, without a guide of any sort, Joel being possibly the best damn husband ever, and their daughter taking turns being an annoying (yet relateable) teenager and a kick ass one. Add in some interesting neighbors, an adorkable teen next door who is WAY more helpful than you'd think, and voila! You've got Santa Clarita Diet! 

Whoever cast Drew Barrymore as the lead in this was a bloody genius because she KILLS IT. It could not have been more perfect. She is her usual charming, impossible not to love self, but with this extra edge that just really makes Sheila someone you root for regardless of what she's doing. I've been a Barrymore fan as long as I can remember, and I have to say this is easily my favorite role of hers EVER. 

Timothy Olyphant, my Lord. I have never seen him play someone like this, but it is amazing to watch. I will not believe you if you don't fall head over heels in love with poor, sweet Joel who just wants his family to be happy and to love his wife no matter what. Has there ever been a better TV husband? I think not.

Joel <3
Weirdly enough, despite it's darker themes, Santa Clarita Diet is about family, love, and being there for each other when everything else hits the fan. It really does have a lot of gooey sweetness, a lot of times you'll go "awww!" (and ewww!) 

Family first.
There's a lot of Drew Barrymore being BAD-ASS! And adorable. 

And much more of Timothy Olyphant being so.damn.confused.

You will see this face a lot.
 Or just plain goofy. And I love it.

Not enough of this, though.
The most surprising thing for me was how much Santa Clarita Diet made me laugh! And all the Wenches and Wench friends who have watched it completely agree. It is HILARIOUS! Every episode is guaranteed to crack you up at least a few times. Trust me, do yourself a favor, and watch just the first episode. You'll be back for a second helping. I promise!

And if you need something more to tempt you, Nathan Fillion is in the first episode. And he looks finger lickin' good. Watch it! 


  1. Just finished watching this series last night, and I laughed so hard!! Couldn't believe they left me hanging like that, though--cruel but deliciously devious. Now I'm anxiously awaiting the second helping. I mean season. :-)


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