What the Wenches Are Reading

Angela: There doesn’t seem to be a lot of time for reading lately. Instead we finished watching Season 3 of The Blacklist. I’ve managed to read a few more pages of Blood Mirror (Lightbringer #4) by Brent Weeks. It’s slow going and feels like nothing is happening to move the story forward yet.
Anne: I finished Blood Games and Lucky Break in my CLV reread this week. Currently, I’m taking a small break for a fanfiction binge. In my audio book listening, I am still on Shadowfever and loving it.
Barb: At bedtime I'm still rereading American Queen. Which is really freaking good. I told you about it here. I wish I were reading other things, too. My non-fiction TBR list has grown dramatically over the past few weeks. But, alas, holiday crafting is keeping me from reading as much as I'd like. Soon, though. Very soon.
Care: This week... has been a little bit of a hodge-podge, actually. Between being out of town for American Thanksgiving, driving in and out of the US for it, and trying to wrap up the end-of-year "get this stuff in before our insurance coverage resets" stuff, it's been a heckuva whirlwind! I did, however, put in the second half of Cold Days, and the front half of Skin Game, and I love them both. To bits. And I'm already looking forward to the next book, even though there's no release date yet. This is both because I love Harry Dresden, *and* because I love James Marsters reading him, so... I've got a wait ahead of me.
Kathi: This week I finished reading The Fireman, which just won the Goodreads award for best 2016 horror book. It fit my mood: hair-on-fire, dystopian post-apocalyptic. I read that the author waited 10 years to tell his agent that he is Stephen King’s son, though I think it’s obvious he inherited the dark, wickedly dry sense of humor, sharp powers of perception about what makes folks tick, and creeptastical storytelling abilities from his parents. I enjoyed it so much that I picked up another of his books, NOS4A2. I’ve also treated myself to binge watching 11/22/63 (quite good, but not nearly as good as the fabulous book, of course!) and The Queen. I’ve finished the current seasons of Westworld and Poldark. Now I’m delighted to be watching season 4 of A Place to Call Home.
Merit: I’m reading stories for my FF this week, so am not going to tell you about these stories, as I hope you’ll read my post later this month. I’m also rereading KMM’s Bloodfever. Mac is slowly changing from Mac version 1.0 to 2.0. She starts to feel in her bones who Barrons is. I love this quote: “Barrons has something the rest of us don’t have…there’s something that never crawled all the way out of the swamp. It didn’t want to. It likes it there.” I hate the fact that people or other creatures lie to her. This reread is so engaging.
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