What the Wenches Are Reading

As the holiday season continues, the Wenches are working hard to squeeze some reading time in between all
of the festivities. Click through to see what's helping us through the jolliness, and share with us your reading list, in the comments below!
Angela: I read Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop and have to say well I liked it, I didn't enjoy it anywhere near the level of her current series The Others. The story had a couple of plot points that I dislike in story. The future romantic pairing (at least it appeared that way to me) Daemon was 1700 years old and Jaenelle was 12 years old. Just no.
Anne: I haven't done much reading this week. I read a bit of The Hobbit, but that's about it. Too busy with Christmas stuff! I got to be Santa for the first time, though my little guy is too little to understand what Christmas is. It was still fun for me!
Barb: This week I watched a bunch of stand-up comedy specials and a bunch of home improvement shows while I finished some knitting projects, before I finally picked up a new book. That new book was The Look of Love by Sarah Jio, a book that was sent to me by a publicist a few months ago during a time when I had too many books on my plate to be able to focus on anything new. This stand-alone romance was just what I needed right now--a bittersweet look at the many forms love can take. I'm interested to read more by this author. Not sure what I'll be reading next; Gone Girl? Maplecroft? The next installment in a series I love, which doesn't release for another month? We shall see.
Care: Still knitting, still holiday-ing, still in the middle of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with my son, but finished up Cerulean Sins by Laurell K Hamilton, and just started Pawn of Prophecy for an extremely long overdue reread. I've missed The Belgariad, and I'm probably distressingly excited to be rereading the books again.
Kathi: I started The Bleeding Dusk, but haven’t gotten very far due to holiday celebrating and Outlander marathon watching! So far, I’m still enjoying this UF series as entertaining vacation reading.
Merit: After a few disappointing stories, I started a book that I liked: Tempting Danger is the first book in EileenWilkes’s World of the Lupi series. I found myself on familiar, pleasant ground, a world where the paranormal creatures are real and recognized. This time they are Lupi, but we know them as werewolves. You can find here the heroine, a police detective, who is human but has a special abilities, unknown to most of her colleagues and friends. With a powerful, sexy Lupi prince, there are murders and political intrigue.Sometimes a familiar ground is good especially when the author is talented enough to make the story solid, thrilling and entertaining as this one is.
Zee: So I've still been reading Amanda Quick, but I also started Lord of the Rings again in between stuff. Since the last Hobbit movie, I have not been able to leave Middle Earth. So after rewatching ALL the Peter Jackson movies, a reread seemed like the next logical step.
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