What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to find out what the Wenches are reading this week! Don't forget to tell us what you've been up to, in the comments below!
Amanda: I'm still rereading Bloodfever (Fever series #2) by Karen Marie Moning. I love this series so much, I'm absorbing every word. I feel like I never want to reach the end!
Angela: This week I read World After (Penryn & the End of Days). I enjoyed it. My only sticking point at this stage is that it appears there is a slow burn romance going on and I just don't get what an ancient angel sees in a 17 year old. That might just be me and I'll reserve final judgment until the last book comes out. I then needed a blob out book and nothing beats a Regency romance for me in that category. Scandal by Amanda Quick suited that purpose very well.
Anne: I'm reading The Hobbit again for the approximately one millionth time in preparation for The Battle of Five Armies. I'm equal parts excited to see it and sad that it's ending.
Barb:I finished Unholy Ghosts and moved on to Wrong Ways Down. WWD was written after the last novel was published, but in the timeline it fits between books one and two, and is from Terrible's POV, so I decided to read it in that spot. And can I just say, "wow!" This novella is just stunning. I adore Terrible way more than I would think I should for the kind of person he is, but I cannot help but love him. I told you about how amazing WWD was last year, here, so I won't rehash it. But I will say, again!, if you haven't read Downside Ghosts, please give it a try. It's a game changing series.
Care: Can we say "entrenched in a series" much? This week, I've put away Burnt Offerings, Blue Moon, and Obsidian Butterfly, all again Anita Blake books by Laurell K Hamilton. I'm sad to be approaching the end of the read-able portion of the series. I'll miss some of the characters when I don't have them anymore!
Donna: This week I'm reading Patricia Cornwall's Dust, last year's installment in the Scarpetta series. It's been several years since I read one of these, so we'll see if I can make it through without wanting to stop and read the last couple I missed. I do hope Dr. Scarpetta does some cooking. I always love those parts.
Kathi: First, I raced through The Firebird, which is the sequel to The Winter Sea, set in Scotland after the second Jacobite uprising and also in St. Petersburg. I was so glad to get the rest of this wonderful story, tie up a few loose ends, and give the characters the resolution they deserved. After that, I struggled to find anything else that could hold my interest. I tried a few pages in several different genres, then finally settled on The Rest Falls Away (The Gardella Vampire Hunters #1). I got this book on a lark a few months back when Jeaniene Frost recommended it, with no idea what to expect. Set in 19th-century Regency England, it’s a bit like Pride and Prejudice with vampires. (I just read that the author likens it to a cross between Pride and Prejudice and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Perfect description!) Debutante Victoria Gardella Grantworth attends her coming-out ball and simultaneously begins two seemingly irreconcilable careers of husband hunting and vampire slaying. Turns out, her family legacy empowers her with special skills, should she decide to accept them, that she must hone yet hide from the rest of her peers, who are unaware of the blood-sucking dangers lurking amongst them. So far, it’s funny, quirky, and keeping my interest.
Merit: This week I read Jane Harvey-Berrick’s story Lifers. Two damaged but sweet souls in a small Texas town, sassy, straight forward, heroine. Hot, ripped and tatted broken hero. This book is not an angst-filled romance, it's a lovely, not a sugar-coated story. It made me both cry and laugh. Never lose hope, never.
Zee: Sorry readers, I didn't manage to get any reading done this week. Been busy with real life and trying to be there for people I love. I do want to get back to reading soon though! Maybe this coming week will be better for me.
Have any of you Wenches read the Premonition series by Amy Bartol? I think it might be one you would get into! Just a thought. I am doing a reread right now on that series.
ReplyDeleteBrandy, just checked the first book out. It looks interesting. I've added it to my TBR. Thanks for the recommendation.