What the Wenches Are Reading

We hope you have some spooky choices on your reading list this week, Saucy Reader. I'm thinking of adding some classic Stephen King to the top of my TBR in honor of the season. Which would you recommend?
Click through to see what else the Wenches are reading this week, and share your current reads in the comments below.
Amanda: This week, I started reading an ARC (squee!) of Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews. It took me a little to get into it, but now, I am in love!!
Angela: This week I read The Fault in our Stars by John Green. It was an okay read for me. I found that I didn't really like teenagers talking like they were far older than they were. I wanted to like Augustus Waters but he grated on me. Maybe I'm just too old to enjoy this book. If I was 15 I probably would have thought it fantastic.
Barb: I'm nearly finished with Out for the Blood, the fourth House of Comarre book, and moving right on to the final book in that series, Last Blood. I'm sure it will take me at least until I check in the next time to finish this one, a series I'm really looking forward to being done with. I'm trying not to get to far ahead of myself, but I'm so ready to be done with this one so I have hopes for revisiting some favorite worlds before I move on to something new.
Care: I have a house full of sick people this week, so it's been a little difficult to get much reading done - back and forth for medications, inhalers, and up all night giving cuddles really cuts into the amount of time I'm actually functional to read! As such, I've been reading Sticks & Stones all week, and reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to my son. I'm so excited he's ready to listen now!
Kathi: This week I am finishing up the last three books in the Shadow World series. I was back and forth on this series through book 2, but the last three books have been much more consistent and I am definitely a fan. I’m planning to write a review of the series soon.
Merit: Between studying for an obligatory exam at work and watching The Good Wife on TV, I didn’t read much, but Kathi convinced me to give a second chance to the Shadow World series by Dianne Sylvan. I’ve started book 2 – Shadowflame, knowing that AFTER this one the story gets better. Can’t say much, as I read only a few pages.
Shau: I'm starting Darynda Jones's Charley Davidson #7 (Seventh Grave and No Body). Can't wait!!
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