What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week, and share your choices in the comments below!
Amanda: I'm still chugging along with Bloodfever. So much Mac, Barrons, and V'lane awesomeness! I also read The Flesh Cartel, Season 2 Episode 6. I think reading one of these at a time will be my best bet for finishing this series.
Anne: I'm still skimming through Gravedigger's Brawl and trying to decide what to read next. I'm thinking about Gone Girl. It's been in my TBR for more than a year, now with the movie out, it might be time to finally crack it open.
Barb: This week I read Rock Courtship by Nalini Singh, the second installment in her Rock Kiss series, a contemporary romance about the members of a rock band. I had issues with the first one (as I told you here) but I have absolutely not issues with Courtship. It was a near-perfect romance, with no manufactured drama and no eye rolling. Just two people falling in love in the most lovely way. I highly recommend and will have a more complete review soon. After finishing Rock Courtship I moved on to Party Games by RL Stine, the first Fear Street book in two decades. So far it's everything I remember from the plethora of Fear Street books I read as an adolescent. It feels like coming home. To a twisted and scary home, which is exactly what I would expect.
Beta: I just started reading a book I was given a week ago for my birthday and which I've been wanting to read for a while now. It's called Náðarstund (Burial Rites) by Hannah Kent and is inspired by a true story about a young woman convicted of murder in Iceland in 1829. The story is riveting and beautifully written. I'll definitely be writing a review on it.
Care: This week has been a little crazy, but it's seen half of Sticks & Stones, all of Cut & Run, and all of A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children. It's been a bit of a whirlwind, but my only regret is that I'm not reading *more.* ^_^ l
Donna: This week I have been reading The Witch With No Name, the final book in The Hollows series. It's sad to see the end of a series filled with funny, loveable characters. Hopefully, Rachel, Jenks, Ivy, Trent and Al will all get their happy endings. *crosses fingers*
Kathi: This week I read The King’s Curse, the last book in The White Queen series. I expected it to be a total snooze because (1) the unfamiliar leading lady sounded really boring and (2) I have already read/seen so much about the days of Henry VIII’s court. But I enjoyed this book a lot! It offered a completely new perspective and a darker-than-usual angle on Henry VIII. I’ll write a longer review soon.
Merit: I took a break from the Runes series to read a book I received last week. It is called The Namesake, by Jhumpa Lahiri. It is the story of an Indian family who immigrates to the U.S, the clash of cultures, their experience, or mostly their son’s, (who was born in Massachusetts.), at trying to adapted to the American way of life. The Namesake is titled so because the son was named by his father- Gogol- after the famous Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, a fact that didn’t sit well with him. It was an easy read, but I was not completely hooked. There was a movie adaptation to the book by director Mira Nair.
Natalie: Hello Wenchy readers! Can I just say that I would adore a magic wand that would allow me to free up all my time for reading? I swear if I could live without sleep so I could read all the time. With that being said I manged to finish Drums of Autumn in between hours of work. I'm not sure what my next section to read will be. I'm adoring the Outlander series but to take on another 800 plus page book right now when my TBR is screaming at me would be crazy. I'm pondering One Plus One by Jojo Moyes or Immortal by JR Ward. Either way reading should be good. Have a great week all.
Zee: I've been busy traveling and adjusting to way too many different timings lately, so haven't really had the chance to read. But have been skimming through Dark Skye by Kresley Cole (to try and remember stuff so I can write my review!) and that made me want to pick up older IAD books that I liked.
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