Review: The Bone Orchard

To fill the void left by no new Sidewinder or Cut & Run books, I decided to read Abigail Roux' newest short story, The Bone Orchard. It is available on it's own or as part of a set, called My Haunted Blender's Gay Love Affair, and Other Twisted Tales. I didn't know the other authors, so I purchased Abi's story on it's own. And, I am so, so glad I did! Now, like I said, it's a short story, so this will be a quick little review. But, read on if you want to find out more about what I thought about Abi's The Bone Orchard.
Now, at first glance, I wasn't terribly interested in The Bone Orchard. This is the summary of the story:
After leaving a trail of terror and death in his wake, the notorious “Missouri” Boone Jennings finally meets his match in San Francisco when US marshal Ambrose Shaw catches up to him. The story of his capture, and the marshal’s bravery, has already become legend back east by the time Pinkerton inspector Ezra Johns gets off the train from New York City to testify in the murderer’s trial.
When Ambrose is unable to give witness to the evils he’s seen, Ezra becomes their lone hope for putting Jennings in a noose. But if Ezra thinks that’s his biggest problem, he’s got plenty to learn about life—and the afterlife—in the spirited West.
Fortunately, Ambrose is there to assist, and more than happy to oblige Ezra—in the courtroom or the bedroom. He spent his life bringing justice to the Wild West, and if he has a say in it, that’s how he’ll be spending his death too. - See more at: Source
Heroes and Villains

Ambrose Shaw is your stereotypical Old West US Marshal. He's gruff, he's tough, he's a man of action. He is also single-mindedly pursuing the story's villain, Boone Jennings. He has followed him across the country, following the clues of his murder spree. Finally, he catches up to him in San Francisco. But, Boone has other ideas. Unfortunately, as it implies in the summary, Ambrose loses his life to his quest. But, that doesn't mean it's over for Ambrose. He's a stubborn bastard and he's not going to let a little thing like death stop him. Fortunately, he has some help in the form of the story's other lead, Ezra.

A Western Ghost Story Romance?

The Old West setting really was perfect for this as well. The most intriguing aspect, to me, was how homosexuality was dealt with in the Old West. There is so much prejudice still today. I can't imagine what they would have had to put up with then. Especially in the small, rough, old west towns. This is actually a topic I'd like to do some research into, or at least read more about. But, that will have to wait for another day!

Ok, there is a super awesome surprise towards the end of the story that I don't want to give away, in case you haven't heard about it already. So, SPOILER ALERT!!!

IT'S SIDEWINDER!!!!! Well, most of them anyway. Owen drags Digger, Nick, and Kelly off to San Fran to do some research on the mysterious death of his great-great uncle, Ezra. Almost immediately, Ambrose notices a resemblance between Ezra and Owen. Then, they see Owen with a journal that belonged to Ezra. From that point forward, Ambrose and Ezra make it a point to watch over Sidewinder while they are in town. They know Boone will go after them, once they realize who Owen is and what he's doing there. Ezra watches over Digger and Owen while Ambrose takes Nick and Kelly. In true Nickles fashion, Ambrose spends the majority of his time with them trying to keep them from screwing each other's brains out. As usual when Sidewinder is together, hi-jinks ensue. And, in an interesting turn of events, Owen and Ezra are able to see each other for a few minutes and communicate a little bit. The book ends with an ambiguous ending for Boone, he's still out prowling around. But, Ezra and Ambrose get their HEA, literally. So, should Abi choose to, we could have a sequel some day. An exciting prospect if you ask me!
So, Saucy Minions, did you enjoy The Bone Orchard as much as I did? Let me know below!
**All gifs come from Tumblr
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