What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! And be sure to share your reading list in the comments below!

Angela: This week I've been reading The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr. I am adoring how descriptively Carr is able to bring an imaginary London to life. It reminds me of one of my favourite authors, C.S. Harris, who writes the wonderful Sebastian St Cyr series.

Barb: This week I finished Me Before You. It devastated me, but very differently than it did my compatriots. A very emotional read, I'd recommend everyone reads it, but be sure you're in the right headspace to do so. I've been listening to Shadowfever during my commute this week, but hadn't picked up a new book to read at home until I saw the trailer for the upcoming film adaptation of The Martian by Andy Weir. Check out the trailer and you'll understand why I started reading that book right away. I'm about a third into the book and absolutely riveted! Mark Watney's adventures are entertaining enough, but I love his voice. It's just the right blend of geeky-scientist and ridiculousness. An entertaining voice makes such a difference in my enjoyment of a book!

Kathi: This week I reread books 2 and 3 in the Regency Draculia trilogy, The Vampire Dimitri and The Vampire Narcisse, so they would be fresh in my mind to write a review. These were fun, familiar stories and characters that I didnโ€™t have to fret too much over (since I know how it all ends!) as I recovered from the emotional turmoil of Outlanderโ€™s TV finale. And it turned out I had forgotten a lot in my haste to get through my first reading, so it was nice to fill in all the gaps. 
Merit: I didn't read much this week. Just started Throne of Glass By Sarah J. Maas, the first book in a series with the same name. Celaena Sardothein is a young assassin woman. She was the best in the realm. Then she was betrayed and arrested. Now she has a second chance. This is a YA fantasy, full of action. There are also magic, romance and other goodies.  I hope it stays as good as the part I already read.

Zee:  This past week I picked up Samantha Towle's The Mighty Storm, because I am a sucker for rock star bad boy protagonists (even though they are never written very well) and HAWT book covers. It was... alright. Then I started Samantha Young's On Dublin Street. Too early to tell if I'm going to like this, although the guy seems like an egotistical ass at this point. 


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