What the Wenches Are Reading

Where are you visiting this week, Saucy Reader? Click through to see where our reading choices have taken us this week!

Amanda: I'm still an unfocused mess! I haven't had a reading slump this bad in, I don't know when. I'm currently reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldan. It's nothing to do with Outlander, I'm just having a hard time getting into anything I touch! I think maybe I'll just go back to Fever series for a while. 

Angela: This week I read Against the Dark (The Associates #1) by Carolyn Crane. It was more romance suspense where each book in the series is about a different couple. I found I loved The Disillusionists series by the same author, whereas I just liked this installment of The Associates. I don't think I will carry on with the series. Point to note though, I thought the sex in it was pretty hot!!!!

Barb: I was knee-deep in Dreamfever when I got to the part where Mac heads into to Dark Zone to meet Darroc, and I couldn't seem to make myself go any farther. The last part of this book through the first part of Shadowfever are the hardest part of the series for me, and for some reason I just couldn't go on. So I worked through some more Grimm's Tales for my class and then read that article about Ugly Love. It was all over after that, as I told you about in my review Monday. After finishing Ugly Love, I picked another Colleen Hoover, Confess and stayed up late finishing it. Then (whew! I haven't read this many books in one week in a long time!) I finally plucked up the courage to start Me Before You, which devastated Olga in the best possible way some time ago. Let's see if it wrecks me, too. 

Donna: A funny thing happened this week. Barb mentioned a book on Facebook - Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover - it was immediately a hot topic amongst the Wenches and friends. Whenever a book gets that much Wenchy attention so quickly, I.must.read.it.right.away. The other night, I was home alone and decided it would be a great time to start it...before I knew it, the evening was over and so was the book. Yup, I read the whole thing in one go. That hasn't happened in a while. Tate Collins is a nurse (I loved her as soon as I read that!), and Miles Archer is a pilot with a shattered past. The book asks the question: Is it better to have loved and lost, or never to have loved at all? There's lots of sexy times in this heart-wrenching story, which I hear is being turned into a movie starring Nick Bateman (google him!).

Kathi: This week I reread The Vampire Voss (aka Luciferโ€™s Rogue) because Iโ€™ve been meaning to write a review of the Regency Draculia series and needed a refresher. Since I was still anxiously awaiting the Outlander TV series finale and, therefore, unable to devote my complete attention to any new fictional world building, it was nice to revisit a familiar story and charactersโ€”vampires, vampire hunters, and aristocratic debutantes looking for husbands in Victorian London, verra verra far from Outlanderโ€™s Jacobite Scottish Highlands!
Merit: I am sure I am not the only Wench who read Colleen Hooverโ€™s Ugly Love this week, so Iโ€™ll just say that I her books tend to pull at my heartstrings, always. I read my first Colleen Hoover book in 2012, Slammed, Layken and Will's beautiful, compelling love story. Then I had to read its sequel, Point of Retreat, which left me both crying and laughing. If you love Ugly Love, go read Hopeless and Losing Hope (Hopeless#2) the story will suck you in for sure.

Shau: I've read a shifter novel this week and quite enjoyed it. It was My Healer by Alanea Alder. It's a cute, simple book that made me smile and even laugh. And, in my book, any story that makes me laugh is a good one.

Zee:  Most of us went on an Ugly Love journey this week! Colleen Hoover's Ugly Love was amazing. And I don't know WHY anyone ever compared it to 50 Shades, because NO. Just.. no. This was a beautiful story. Wonderful. No abuse, no disrespect, no stalking. Just very human things you can feel on every level. CANNOT wait for the movie.


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