
Showing posts from September, 2024

Quote of the Day

“The only beam of light I’ll ever need or want in this world, my love for her sitting like a moon in my chest. Only this moon will never fall, no matter how hard she tugs on it.” ~ Sarah A. Parker, When the Moon Hatched

Quote of the Day

“Memory is a wicked thing that warps and twists. But paper and ink receive the truth without emotion, and they read it back without partiality. That, I believe, is why so few women are taught to read and write. God only knows what they would do with the power of pen and ink at their disposal.” ~ Ariel Lawhon, The Frozen River

Quote of the Day

The wind passed, even as it is passing now, over all the people who find themselves so dulled by the concerns of their own bodies and their own hungers that they cannot stop for a moment to feel its goodness as it brushes against them. And feel it now, so soft, so eternal, this wind against your good and living skin. ~ Lauren Groff, The Vaster Wilds

Quote of the Day

The most persistent hauntings are the ghosts of lost futures. ~ Naomi Alderman, The Future

Quote of the Day

“We were born together, we died together. I cannot live without you.” ~ Katherine Arden, The Warm Hands of Ghosts

Quote of the Day

Years later, she realized that women can either curse freely or live on Park Avenue, but not both. Now in her life’s second act, swearing freely is one of the things she appreciates about being away from the strict rules of New York society. ~ Chris Pavone, Two Nights in Lisbon

Quote of the Day

“I want cold February nights with him reading me books. I want July mornings in a blossoming garden. Felix will be my home, and I will be a place for him to return to. He’ll be my oasis, and I’ll be his. He’ll save his best words for me, and I’ll save mine for him.” ~ Carley Fortune, This Summer Will Be Different

Quote of the Day

She was haunted by the possibility that she had missed her chance for happiness. But she had not missed her chance, she told herself, for her chance would not let her get away so easily. Each morning she was fortified by hope: the future loomed. ~ Amanda Coplin, The Orchardist