What the Wenches Are Reading

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Angela: This week I was up to date on the Lady Darby series by Anna Lee Huber with As Death Draws Near, Book #5 in the series, and unfortunately it was a little flat for me after the previous two books. The mystery wasn’t that plausible and it lessened my enjoyment of the book. I love the relationship between our main characters, but the mystery element wasn’t that great.
Anne: I’m continuing my Cut & Run re-read. I’m up to Cross & Crown (technically a Sidewinder Series book.) In the audio world, I finally finished Stephen King’s It and, on the recommendation of my husband, I moved on to Dan Brown’s new book, Origin. I’m not very far in, but I like it.
Barb: Still reading Grant. I love it. It's riveting. But it is looooooong. Symbol of a life well-lived I suppose.
Donna: I’m back into George R. R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows. Brienne of Tarth is continuing her search for a “highborn maid of three-and-ten with a fair face and auburn hair.” She hasn’t had a lot of luck other than finding Poderick to accompany her on her quest, but she’s just gotten a tip about a shifty character named Nimble Dick, who may offer a lead.
Kathi: I’m about 2/3 through Acceptance, the last book in the fascinating Southern Reach trilogy. I’m finally getting some answers to the bizarre questions, but they’re so strange and disturbing that I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around them, plus they’re just raising more questions. This story keeps getting weirder and weirder, but I’m not complaining! I’m just trying to understand. Also, there was the Outlander A. Malcolm episode on TV! Then Poldark, followed by the Outlander A. Malcolm episode again! Then The Walking Dead, then the Outlander A. Malcolm episode again! I was a bit distracted from reading…
Merit: Just finished reading The Obelisk Gate, the 2nd book in N.K. Jemisin's series, The Broken Earth. I said it already but I’ll say it again, Jemisin’s world is so diverse and it is fantastic. Some questions have answers here, some new questions arise. It was not an easy read for me and sometimes I had to go back and reread a chapter in order to understand what’s going on. This fantasy story is so different from the “usual” books in this genre."Life cannot exist without the Earth. Yet there is a not-unsubstantiated chance that life will win its war, and destroy the Earth. We’ve come close a few times. That can’t happen. We cannot be permitted to win." Brilliant and surprising ideas and a special way of writing.
Zee: I finished James Baldwin's Nobody Knows My Name and my God. It is one of the most moving, honest, brilliant, insightful things I have ever read. I can't stop thinking about it. Now reading The Fire Next Time. Also SUPER excited about us getting the ARC for Alyssa Cole's A Hope Divided!!!! Eek!
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