What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week!
Angela: This week I finally finished Sailing to Sarantium (Sarantine Mosaic #1) by Guy Gavriel Kay. Historical fantasy book that, though it took me a while to read, by the end I really enjoyed. The latter third of the book had enough political intrigue to keep me entertained. I also read A Study in Death (Lady Darby #5) by Anna Lee Huber, and it was a thrilling historical mystery. While the murderer seemed fairly obvious to me, I had no idea to until the final details were revealed why the murder had taken place.
Anne: I’m still working my way through the Cut & Run Series. I’m just starting Divide & Conquer. In the audio world, I’m listening to It. I’ve read it before, but it’s been awhile. I’ve forgotten a lot of this story.
Barb: I'm still reading What Happened, but honestly, it's been more difficult to read than I expected. It's riveting and so well done, but still very painful. So I've been balancing that with some terrific smut. First I read Billion Dollar Bad Boy by Nora Flite, a book I got free with the purchase of the Glamour anthology of modern fairy tale retellings. The premise of the book is ridiculous, but it turned out to be a really great read. I'd recommend it for anyone looking for a smutty escape. Then I read Nora Flite's Glamour contribution, a gritty sexy twist on the Jack and the Beanstalk tale. And now I'm reading the spin-off of the Monster In His Eyes series that I loved and told you about here. This one, Menace (Scarlet Scars series), has the potential to make me love it even more than Monster, but it's early, so we'll see.
Kathi: I finally read Annihilation (Southern Reach #1), which I’ve been eagerly anticipating since I discovered it about 3 months ago. I’d heard great things about this book, and found it a bit hard to get into but then completely fascinating. I’ve just finished it, and I’m still blown away, but I couldn’t even tell you exactly what happens at this point, it’s so different than any other speculative sci-fi I’ve ever read before. Only new episodes of Poldark and Outlander kept me from starting the second book in the trilogy immediately, but I’ll be doing that tonight. In the meantime, the trailer for the upcoming movie based on the series was just released, and it’s fun to see a visual interpretation of scenes I’ve just read. Can’t wait for the movie!!
Merit: I devoured this week Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass #6) by Sarah J. Maas. I love Sarah J. Maas books; I wrote a post about the series back in 2015. This time, I hadn’t been sure if I wanted to read it, because between the 2 heroes here (secondary characters in the books), I was really on the fence about liking Chaol, the first hero, who has an important role in the series. I didn’t mind Nesryn, the second hero, a minor character who saved the day once. But this is SJM’s book, so I did read it, and the book surpassed my expectation, it was fantastic. I must emphasize that what really captivated me, besides the rich world building, amazing characters, and heart-stopping tale, was the way the author tackled an important issue — the feelings of a disabled person, one who can’t walk. How often do we think about life from the point of view of the one sitting in the wheelchair? And on top of that, a disabled character who happens to be in an action-packed tale? This story is a must read for the fans, as it absolutely lays the foundation for the next installment.
Shau: My plan for this week is reading Nalini Singh’s Archangel’s Viper. I’ve been so busy lately that I think it’ll take me a while to finish this one....stupid real life.
Zee: I've been reading IT after watching the movie (highly recommend) it keeps freaking me out so I keep going to other stuff. Also been skimming through The Strain because I miss the characters since the series ended *sad face*
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