Not Really A Review: The Siren by Tiffany Riesz

I'm going to tell you up front that I enjoyed this book, loving the way it grabbed me from the beginning and never let go. The thing is that that grab wasn't for good reasons, though, but because the story and the characters were so utterly fucked up. The female lead is not a good person and I can't really tell which fellow is the male lead, although her ending up with either of them would be terrible. And the side characters are fascinatingly broken but not people I want to be friends with. The things that they do in this novel range from questionable to morally reprehensible. And they're pretty much never remorseful about their terrible choices.
So, while I recommend The Siren if you don't mind some darkness in your literature, I won't be reading the other novels and novellas in this series, and I'm pretty well gearing up for a rant. I've got opinions that I need to get out, so if you're looking for a literary rant, come with me through the jump. It's going to be pretty specific so spoilers will abound, but the book is five years old, so I'm not sorry. Come along, Saucy Readers.

We meet Nora a few years after she finally left the relationship she had been in with Soren for the prior ten years. She was in a D/s relationship with her priest for a decade. And before that she was a minor and he was training her, grooming her to be his perfect submissive. Just no. Even if I could put aside the clerical power being problematic (which I can't), even if I could put aside the pedophilia power being problematic (which I can't), and even if I could put aside the extreme sexual violence that is presented as an S&M relationship (which I can't), there are moments in which Nora recalls specific instances that are clearly the actions of an abuser grooming, preparing his victim. And all of that actually happens to actual people, so I find that fascinating, if horrifying. But the problem is that no one in this book, save Wesley, recognizes the abuse or the wildly inappropriate nature of the power dynamic in Nora and Soren's "relationship." Everyone seems to think it's perfectly acceptable, just not socially normal; they just don't live in the "vanilla" world.

While it's pretty clear to me that Soren is a terrible person who needed to seek professional help before trying to help the parishioners in his flock and I am perfectly comfortable writing his evil ass off, I'm sad about who Nora chooses to be. I don't understand the back and forth she does between Zach and Wesley. Is Zach just a game? She seems to genuinely care for Wes, albeit in a totally toxic way. It feels like she's trying to get back the person she could have been by preserving the innocence of someone she loves, who happens to be the same age she was when Soren started the physical portion of their abusive relationship. But at the same time she fucks with his head, she sleeps with lots of other people, pretty openly, and she perpetuates the abuse that was heaped on her. As I've said, that is all incredibly fascinating in one book where we are left to decide what's abuse, but as the other stories are presented as romances, it's just problematic.

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