
Showing posts from June, 2017

Time for a Break

The Saucy Wenches are taking a vacation! We're going to spend July reading, writing, and enjoying family and friends. We'll be back in August with our usual shenanigans and inappropriateness. In the meantime, check out some of our favorite series: Karen Marie Moning's Fever Series Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampires Series Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Series Everything Alisha Rai writes Some of our favorite TV Shows , our always delightful Man Candy , and plenty of book reviews .  Happy vacation, Saucy Readers! We'll see you soon! 

Quote of the Day


Quote of the Day

Grandma Frida walked into the room. "Ooh, here is my boy." "Mother," Mom growled. "What? I can't help it. It's the devil eyes." Pierce did have devil eyes. Deep and dark, the rich brown of coffee grinds, they were unpredictable and full of crazy. He was very nice to look at, but all of the images of him looked staged. He always seemed to know where the camera was. And if I ever saw him in person, I'd run the other way like my back was on fire. If I hesitated, it would be. "He killed a man," Mom said.  "He was framed," Grandma Frida said. "You don't even know the story," Mom said. Grandma shrugged. "Framed. A man that pretty can't be a murderer." Mother stared at her. "Penelope, I'm seventy-two years old. You let me enjoy my fantasy." "Go Grandma." Arabella pumped her fist in the air. "If you insist on being Grandma's little stooge, she can do ...

Quote of the Day

โ€œYou're Mad Rogan!" Leon burst out. "Yes," Mad Rogan said, his voice calm. "And you can break cities?" "Yes." "And you have all this money and magic?" "Yes." Where was Leon going with this? My cousin blinked. "And you look . . . like that?" Mad Rogan nodded. "Yes." Leon's dark eyes went wide. He looked at Mad Rogan, then glanced back at himself. At fifteen, Leon weighed barely a hundred pounds. His arms and legs were like chopsticks. "There is no justice in the world!" Leon announced.โ€ Burn for Me  by  Ilona Andrews

What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Quote of the Day

โ€œI'll wager I would have screwed things up regardless. But. . .can you imagine those poor bastards grappling their prey, leaping over the rails, swords in hand, screaming, 'Your cats! Give us all your gods-damned cats!โ€

Quote of the Day

The city got under a person's skin, though. Just when we'd think it wasn't worth the aggravation, NOLA would seduce us anew with trills of jazz floating through the heavy night air, the aromas of pralines and crawfish boil assaulting our senses, the clang of old streetcars rumbling beneath a canopy of live oaks, or the peal of ships' horns echoing off the river far into the uptown neighborhoods. River Road (Sentinels of New Orleans #2) Suzanne Johnson

Not Really A Review: The Siren by Tiffany Riesz

A few years ago I discovered the Dark Romance sub-genre and have been flirting with it ever since. I enjoy the darkness, liking the way the fuckedupness of the characters in these kinds of stories makes me feel well-adjusted and totally sane. I've enjoyed tales of kidnapping, faking one's own death, mafia antics, and motorcycles gangs, and I've read my fair share of BDSM erotica. So when I picked up The Siren , I thought I was prepared for it. I was not. I'm going to tell you up front that I enjoyed this book, loving the way it grabbed me from the beginning and never let go. The thing is that that grab wasn't for good reasons, though, but because the story and the characters were so utterly fucked up. The female lead is not a good person and I can't really tell which fellow is the male lead, although her ending up with either of them would be terrible. And the side characters are fascinatingly broken but not people I want to be friends with. The things that th...

Quote of the Day

โ€œThis is no time for refusing to look facts in the face.โ€    Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None .

Lucifer: Lead Us Into Temptation

Source. You guys are in for a treat, thanks to Saucy Reader Patricia's brilliant suggestion, I am making your Friday even happier by sharing some sinfully delicious man+woman candy from Fox's LUCIFER. (Which you guys should definitely be watching if you aren't already! It's clever, funny, sexy, and entertaining as hell!)  Click through to read more! 

Quote of the Day

"Why do you call me precious?" He drew closer, his hand curving around my nape. His tone was smooth and innocuous. โ€œYou donโ€™t read much, do you? The idea came to me when you were trying to steal my onion rings. Thereโ€™s an interesting book about a shiny little ring that drives men mad.โ€ Keystone (Crossbreed #1) Dannika Dark 

Quote of the Day

"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep knowing that you're prowling in my house while I'm in my loft." He rose, his face serious and harsh. "You will. You'll fall asleep fast and sleep soundly until morning, and then you'll get up and have breakfast with your family because I'll be prowling in your house tonight. And if anyone tries to interrupt your sleep and end your life, you have my word that they'll sleep forever. That was the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to me. He meant it and he would make every word of it come true.I made my mouth move. "Okay. I'll see you in the morning."  White Hot by Ilona Andrews

What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Quote of the Day

Hard times and funky living can season the soul, true enough, but joy is the yeast that makes it rise. โ€• Tom Robbins, Villa Incognito

Quote of the Day

Doug, Lindsey, and Pete are all dyslexic, and they're also exceptionally good at what they do. as we'll show you in this book, these facts are neither contradictory nor coincidental. Instead, Doug, Lindsey, and Pete - and millions of individuals with dyslexia just like them - are good at what they do, not in spite of  their dyslexic processing differences, but because of them. The Dyslexic Advantage , by Brock L. Eide, M.D., M.A. and Fernette F. Eide, M.D.

Quote of the Day


Quote of the Day

If only Iโ€™d had some paper towels and duct tape lying around. I rolled my eyes. What the hell had he been thinking? He was what, a multimillionaire? And he bandaged himself with a paper towel and duct tape. How did he even know what duct tape was? Maybe he had his own Prime version at the house, stitched with gold and studded with diamonds, just in case he gave himself a paper cut. I laughed under my breath, snorted, and laughed some more. Standing here, dripping wet, and laughing like a loon. Perfectly mentally fit. Burn For Me Ilona Andrews

Quote of the Day

โ€œYes, I'm a hermit. Mostly I brood," Mad Rogan said. "Also, I'm very good at wallowing in self-pity. I spend my days steeped in melancholy, looking out the window. Occasionally a single tear quietly rolls down my cheek.โ€ Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews

What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Quote of the Day

โ€œWe had taken her for granted until she was no longer there, like an ancient tree you don't truly see until it is felled, and then only from the empty space in the sky do you suddenly grasp its stature.โ€

Quote of the Day

The elevator doors opened. Twelfth floor. Rogan pushed the button, forcing the doors to close, and peered at Cornelius. "Is this my replacement?" What? "I didn't replace you!" "Of course not. I'm irreplaceable." White Hot ~~Ilona Andrews

Quote of the Day

โ€œStrength isnโ€™t about how much you cry or the bad nights you might have. Strength is here.โ€ She tapped Livvyโ€™s forehead. โ€œAnd here.โ€ She poked a blunt finger into Livvyโ€™s chest. โ€œYou can be strong and have moments of incredible despair, when everything feels like itโ€™s collapsing in on you, and yes, when you feel like you want to die. Those moments are not weaknesses. They are simply moments. And they are not you.โ€   Alisha Rai's Hate To Want You .

Fangirl Friday: Birthday Man Candy

Saucy Readers, today is my birthday. I thought long and hard about what to give myself that Happy My Birthday! I could share with you and I decided to give us a little of the fangirling and inappropriateness that is our tagline. So our gift is a bevy of beautiful men. There's not much rhyme or reason to the hotties I've picked, they're just gorgeous fellows who have been in my world lately. Some who I've lusted after loved for years, some new to me. Some we've spotlighted before, some we're meeting for the first time. One thing unites these dudes: their hotness. So, come with me through the jump, and let's objectify some men, shall we? Happy my birthday!

Quote of the Day

The hot, sticky night embraced me. Iโ€™d missed New Orleans. Sure, Seattle was green and mild and beautiful, but it didnโ€™t have enough crazy for my taste. It didnโ€™t have enough old-world and deep magical traditions. Hell, it didnโ€™t have enough nudity. What was the fun in that? Raised in Fire, K.F. Breene

Quote of the Day

โ€œYou got a problem?" he drawled, obviously expecting me to pee my pants before falling to the ground and groveling like an unworthy subject of the Emperor. And that was all it took. A new, screw-you attitude took precedence, trampling my fear under its boots. A highly dangerous approach, I still found it much easier to bear. "Well it all goes back to my childhoodโ€ฆ." I began,โ€   - Jennifer Rardin, Once Bitten Twice Shy

What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what the Wenches are reading this week! 

Quote of the Day

โ€œI am your husband, and your friend, and your lover. And I am also a soldier. I am a vampire. I am a monster, in no small part.โ€ The emerald shifted, transmuted to quicksilver โ€” one element battling another. โ€œAnd if I must show them that in order to protect you, I will. Should it come to that, God have mercy on their souls. Because I will have none.โ€ ~ Chloe Neill, Blade Bound

Quote of the Day

Another symptom documented by research to be associated with ADHD is inconsistent and highly variable work performance. Because most children with ADHD are of average or greater intelligence, their inability to produce consistently acceptable work often perplexes those around them. On some days or at certain times, these children seem able to complete their assigned work easily, without help. At other times or on other days, they finish little if any of their work and may not get much done even with close supervision. Over time, this erratic pattern creates the impression that a person with ADHD is just lazy. As a child psychiatrist once said, "Children [with ADHD] do well in school twice and we hold it against them the rest of their life." Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents by Russell A Barkley, PhD

I Can't Quit You, Babe

Review: Hate To Want You by Alisha Rai . Alisha Rai is one of our go to authors for spectacular romances. I literally pre-order her books on Amazon THE DAY that button shows up. So, obviously, I was more than happy to get my hands on book one of her new The Forbidden Hearts series,  Hate To Want You . (I seriously cannot thank her enough for letting me read this early. It made my year!)  One night. No one will know. Those were the rules. You guys, it is so.fucking.good. This book yanked me out of a horrible reading and reviewing slump! I couldn't put the book down, thought about it ALL day when I had to step away from it, and couldn't stop rereading bits once I was done with it. And that cover. That cover is so beautiful it hurts! Legit heart eyes for that cover. There are some books too good for me to even think about adding spoilers to the review, in fact, I just want to shout "READ IT! READ IT, PLEASE! YOU WILL LOVE IT SO MUCH!" and not say...

Quote of the Day


Fangirl Friday - The Waking Fire by Anthony Ryan

Image  Thank you for writing The Waking Fire (Draconis Memoria #1 ) Anthony Ryan. When the opportunity came up to read this book with my Fantasy Buddy Reads mates, I had to give the book a go. Anthony Ryan has been on my radar for a couple of years, but I just kept pushing his work down my to be read pile. Why? I have no idea. It must have been moments of idiocracy. Because now I'm wishing I had been reading his work for years! Ryan has made me like fantasy steampunk and that's a hard sell. I thought steampunk and I just weren't meant to be buddies. Ryan proved how very wrong I was. Let's check out after the jump why I thought this book was so fantastic. Spoiler free review.

Quote of the Day

"A predicament." Rogan's expression was nonchalant, as if he were playing particularly convoluted game of chess. "Do you want me to rescue you?" It was tempting. So tempting. "No. I want advice." Pride flashed in his eyes. "You're turning into a dragon. White Hot ~~Ilona Andrews