Nick O'Flaherty, of Abigail Roux's Cut & Run series, is just full of surprises. Nick, along with lead character Ty Grady, is a member of Team Sidewinder, the Marine Force Recon team that also includes Digger, Owen, Kelly, Sanchez, and kinda sorta not really Liam. Minions (the members of the Cut & Run fandom) weren't all that fond of Nick at first, to say the least. But as time went on, we decided he was okay. But, still, we were gonna keep our eye on that one. By the end of Touch & Geaux , not only had Nick blindsided us by being a standup guy, one we were rooting for, but something else wholly unexpected happened as well. Nick & Kelly. Care and Veronica talk about Nick's whopping blindsides as we celebrate the release of Abigail Roux's Shock & Awe . First up, Care discusses her feelings about Nick and when, for her, he turned from bad guy to someone whose actions made complete sense. Then, join Veronica as she talks about the pairing out of ...