
Showing posts from February, 2017

Quote of the Day

โ€œAll it takes,โ€ said Crake, โ€œis the elimination of one generation. One generation of anything. Beetles, trees, microbes, scientists, speakers of French, whatever. Break the link in time between one generation and the next, and itโ€™s game over forever.โ€ โ€• Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake

So Many Questions: House Rules Part One

Hello again, lovely Readers! I'm back again. This time with part one of my questions for House Rules . This is one of my favorite books in the series. I really had to pare down the notes and highlights I marked during my read. We would have had 10 or 12 parts to this one. Alas, none of us has time for that. So, two parts it is. Join me after the break for House Rules questions. Spoilers abound, continue at your own risk!

Quote of the Day


Quote of the Day

"Who among the Fae likes you enough to do that favor?" I knew the answer to that. No one. "The one I didn't kill when I demanded it. After I killed the other two." I smiled faintly. One word: badass. I want to be Jericho Barrons when I grow up. Feverborn ~~Karen Marie Moning

Quote of the Day

Those we love donโ€™t go away, they sit beside us every day.  Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week. What are you reading, Saucy Reader?  

Quote of the Day

โ€œAh, Fist, itโ€™s the curse of history that those who should read them, never do.โ€

Quote of the Day

Some things are sacred. Until you act like they're not. Then you lose them. Shadowfever ~~Karen Marie Moning

Series Review: Bloodsounder's Arc by Jeff Salyards

It's a trilogy! They seem to be a rare beast these days. I loved Bloodsounder's Arc and I have no idea why it took me 2 years to give the series a go. It languished on by To Be Read list until one of my Goodread groups read the first book as a monthly book club read last year. Jeff Salyards, who kindly interacts with readers on Goodreads, has truly made a stunning debut series and I'm looking forward to what Salyards has planned in the future.  Back to the Bloodsounder's Arc Trilogy and I'll stop fangirling over Salyards work. My overall series review after the jump. Non spoiler.

Quote of the Day

Luc had chosen to recuperate in his room.   It was surprisingly sedate for a man with so many pop culture obsessions.   {snip} I guess I expected a mock-up of a Wild West cathouse , I told Ethan as we walked to the bed, where Luc lay in tasteful pinstripe pajamas, I don't know who he is anymore.   Ethan didn't quite manage to hold in a chuckle. He is a many-faceted jewel .   "Have you come to praise me?" the jewel asked, eyes closed. "Not to bury  me?"   Chloe Neill's Phantom Kiss .

Fangirl Friday: Santa Clarita Diet

A Diet You Can Actually Stick With. I've been putting off tackling my daunting TBR list, and catching up on all my usual shows. So, of course, it makes sense that I'd start a brand new one. Because, why not?  I was browsing Netflix and saw Drew Barrymore, figured I'd give the first episode a go, and that was it. I was hooked.  Click through to read why you should definitely give Santa Clarita Diet a chance! (NO SPOILERS!)

Quote of the Day

I โ€™d pulled my unruly blond hair out of its usual ponytail for the occasion, loaded on some makeup to play up my teal eyes, and poured myself into a little black skirt, short enough to show off my legs while not offending Lafitteโ€™s nineteenth-century sensibilities. It must have worked, because the pirate was giving me that head-to-toe appraisal guys do on instinct, like theyโ€™re assessing a juicy slab of beef and deciding whether they want it rare, medium, or well-done. Royal Street (Sentinels of New Orleans #1),  Suzanne Johnson

Quote of the Day

โ€œRemember that misuse of language can lead to miscommunication, and that miscommunication leads to everything that has ever happened in the whole of the world.โ€ โ€•  Joseph Fink ,  Welcome to Night Vale: A Novel

What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Quote of the Day

A truth should exist, it should not be used like this. If I love you is that a fact or a weapon? โ€• Margaret Atwood, Power Politics

Quote of the Day

Imbeciles. Wretches. That's how we win. Don't turn over the fucking key to your kingdom then cry foul play when you get evicted. Once you let us confuse you with enough lies that you no longer know your truth, we own your reality. AND YOU GAVE IT TO US.  Feversong ~~Karen Marie Moning

Review: Mists of the Serengeti by Leylah Attar

Saucy Readers, I have a very first world problem going on. There are just too many great books released at one time, from some of my favorite authors. Which makes it tough to read and review everything, to enjoy each book's perfection before I have to move on to the next amazing thing, forgetting the details of the last amazing thing. Do you feel bad for me now, Saucy Reader, or just want to throw tomatoes at me? I've known for over a year that the final installment in Mac's Fever arc would land Martin Luther King day weekend, which is mid-January. I've also been stalking Leylah Attar's social media feeds since the moment I finished Paper Swan and needed more from this amazing new author. When it was finally announced that her next book, Mists of the Serengeti , would release at the end of January, I knew from experience that I would still be completely wasted by the Fever world when Mists hit, and I was fearful that if I was lucky enough to land an Advance C...

Quote of the Day


Fangirl Friday: Stardew Valley!

Okay, so it's ridiculous. But honestly, it's amazing! Right now, I need escapism more than I need almost anything else. This is how I've come to sink unfathomable numbers of hours into playing this daffy little game. See, it's like Farmville, right? From Facebook? But it's everything Farmville should have been and *wasn't.* No advertising, no requests for equipment, no spamming everyone you've ever known for help with your broccoli. None of that. Here's the gig. When you were a little kid, your grandfather had a farm. In the opening sequence, Grandfather dies. He passes along a mysterious envelope for when you are all grown up and are feeling the crushing weight of the day-in, day-out working life. When you're in that space, you open the envelope and inside... is the deed to the farm! Off you go!  You meet all the villagers, go on little quests, go exploring, farming, foraging, mining, fishing, and you build buildings and turn milk into cheese....

Quote of the Day

Taleenoi olngisoilechasgur.  We are all connected. How many times do we pass people on the street, whose lives are intertwined with ours in ways that remain forever unknown? How many ways are we tied to a stranger by fragile, invisible threads that bind us all together? Mists of the Serengeti ~~Leylah Attar

Quote of the Day

I can either be a victim-- or a winner. Fuck victimhood. I don't wear it well; it clashes with my wardrobe. I'm ready. Only one of us is getting out alive. It's going to be me. Feversong by Karen Marie Moning

What the Wenches Are Reading

Angela:  Iโ€™m having a real change of pace this week and reading a contemporary mystery. Iron Lake (Cork Oโ€™Connor #1) by William Kent Krueger. I canโ€™t remember the last time I read a mystery that was set in present day. Iโ€™m actually enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. A lot of suspense and itโ€™s keeping me on my toes guessing what is going to happen next. Anne: Iโ€™m just getting started on Silence Fallen , the upcoming Mercy Thompson book. Keep an eye out for a review closer to the release date. In the audiobook world, Iโ€™m still listening to American Gods . Not sure what Iโ€™m going to listen to after this. Iโ€™ve had a lot of recommendations recently. Barb: I finished Mists of the Serengeti , which was absolutely stunning. If you like sweeping epic romances, go get this book. I have no idea what I'm reading next, this one left me stunned. Look for a five-star review ASAP.  Donna:  This week I've been reading George Orwell's 1984 and John Lewis's Walki...

Quote of the Day

โ€œLand, domination, pre-emptive attacks - all just excuses, mundane justifications that do nothing but disguise the simple distinction. They are not us. We are not them.โ€

Quote of the Day

Sometimes we need to be jarred out of our own reality. We base so much of ourselves on other people's perceptions of us. We live for the compliments, the approval, the applause. But what we really need is a grand, spine-chilling encounter with ourselves to believe we're freaking magical. And that's the best kind of believing, because no one can unsay it or take it away from you. Mists of the Serengeti ~~Leylah Attar 

So Many Questions: Biting Cold Part Two

โ€‹Hello, Saucy Readers! I'm back with Part two of my Biting Cold questions. You can find Part One here. Let's dive right in to the questions! I think it goes without saying, but spoilers abound after the break!

Quote of the Day

  There was a moment back there in the White Mansion. You didn't move. I wouldn't have minded if you had.   He opened his arms.   Truculence dissipated like a bubble bursting. When I bounded over the couch, sped across the bookstore, and flung myself into them, he caught me up and swung me around and I threw my head back, laughing just like a heroine in one of those romantic movies.    Karen Marie Moning's Feversong .

YOLO: You Only Live Once

โ€œThings change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.โ€ - Stephen Chbosky , The Perks Of Being A Wallflower It seems like every other day, there is another celebrity death flooding the news feeds. 2016 hit me particularly hard, because we lost so many iconic performers. The deaths of musical superstars such as David Bowie, Prince and George Michael left me reeling โ€“ their music is the soundtrack of my youth. Alan Rickman, who so successfully brought JK Rowling's character of Severus Snape to life on the big screen, was one of the first well-known people to die in 2016 after a short battle with cancer. Harper Lee, the author of one of the most-loved novels of the twentieth century To Kill a Mockingbird , also left us. Coincidentally, I had just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time shortly before her death, and its wisdom and beauty has stayed with me throughout the year. We lost many other famous people in 2016, but losing Carrie Fisher, Princ...

Quote of the Day

And even knowing that I had to do it-that I would have died if I hadnโ€™t-didnโ€™t make it any easier for me to deal with. I missed her. I hated her. I loved her. I hated myself. I missed her. Moms, even bad ones-and sheโ€™d been a good one once-are sacred. Theyโ€™re the taproot from which we grow. FEVERSONG, Karen Marie Moning

Quote of the Day

โ€œI'm no poet. I'm a soldier. So, I'll just tell you the way it is, as clumsy as it sounds. When I first saw you, it was like being thrown from a shuttle before it touched the ground. I fell and when I landed, I felt it in every cell of my body. You disturbed me. You took away my inner peace. You left me drifting. I wanted you right there. Then as I learned more of you, I wanted you even more. You want me too. I've seen it in your eyes. You taught me the meaning of loneliness, because when I don't see you, I feel alone. You may reject me, you may deny yourself, and if you choose to not accept me, I will abide by your decision. But know that there will never be another one like you for me and one like me for you. We both waited years so we could meet.โ€  One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #3) by Ilona Andrews

What the Wenches Are Reading

There is still a lot of Karen Marie Moning on our list this week! Most of us have finished and loved Feversong , but it always takes a while to move on from the Fever world. Click through to see what else we're reading this week!