Outlander Season 2 : Our Hopes & Dreams.


Season 2 of Outlander is upon us. It's a must-see series for many of the Wenches, and you can guarantee that most of us have read some, if not all, of the books to date. With that in mind, we thought it would be a perfect time to discuss what we are dying to see transferred from the book to the screen. Plus we're just a little bit curious as to what the writers might have changed to meet the requirements of adaptation. After all, television is a different medium to books, and what works in the books doesn't always work on screen.

Join us after the jump for our thoughts on season 2. If you haven't read Dragonfly in Amber yet, be warned that we do talk about events in that book, so spoilers abound!

The rest of you, follow Jamie through the cut!


Let's Discuss Outlander Season 2

Anne โ€” I am looking forward to so many things! I can't wait to see how they handle the two different time periods. How do they go back and forth? Also, I can't wait to meet all of the characters from this book. Brianna and Roger, especially. But, I also want to meet Raymond, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Louis, the nuns from L'hopital Des Anges, etc. And, I can't wait for Murtaugh to take a larger role. I love him in the books. And Fergus! How did I almost forget about Fergus?! I'm also interested to know what will make the cut, from a plot standpoint. So much happens in this book. I just plain old can't wait!! I wish I had made time to reread, but oh well. Such is life!

Angela โ€” Anne, I'm so looking forward to meeting Raymond and Fergus as well. It's going to be very interesting to see the impact Raymond has on Claire. Their meeting for the first time is hopefully going to blow our minds. Also I'm really keen to know how they are going to keep Frank Randall in the storyline and keep it within the thread of the story telling. Maybe greater emphasis on when Claire has returned from the past and how they deal with that? After all they do stay married, so must have found a way to cope. I want to reread too, but it isn't going to happen.

Kathi โ€” I've seen enough teasers to know that they're trying to make us love Frank. I hear Tobias does an amazing job. Dammit. I don't want to love him.

Angela โ€” Out come the Frank and Claire shippers. Or are they already out there and I just don't know it? I try to keep away from fandom stuff for anything I enjoy these days unless I want to know something specific. I've been burnt too many times in the past.

Kathi โ€” I've seen a couple of gifs from season 2 that make me want to cry for Frank.

Jamie fans be like...
Angela โ€” Drat, that definitely makes it sound like I could fall in love with him as well. The show is going to make me feel torn between Frank and Jamie, isn't it?

Kathi โ€” I am rereading Dragonfly in Amber, but haven't made it all the way through yet. There are so many people and events I've forgotten, I'm continually squealing with delight to rediscover them. I suppose that means I'll be pleasantly surprised to see just about everything appear onscreen. But I'll try to be more specific.

First off, I'm looking forward to simply being back in the Outlander world with Claire and Jamie. I'm especially looking forward to meeting Fergus and Master Raymond, and seeing all the intrigue and extravagance of the French court. I'm curious whether the secrets revealed in The Space Between will inform the portrayals of a couple of key characters. And I can't forget Bouton! Maybe my dog won't be so jealous of me watching when he has a character to watch with me! I'm also looking forward to meeting Lord John! And of course, big "wee Roger" and Brianna, though I have a feeling we won't be seeing them until the end.

There are a few things I don't want to see because I know they'll rip my heart out. Mary Hawkins's story will be painful to watch. Since they compressed Jamie's healing process in season 1, I know he'll still be struggling with the fallout of his experience at Wentworth even more than in the book. It's going to be even more difficult than usual not to try reaching into my TV screen to give him a hug. But most painful will be the loss of Faith and Jamie sending Claire away. I've no doubt these are going to highlight some powerful acting. I'm tearing up just thinking about it all โ€” I've no idea where I'll find the strength to actually watch these scenes.

So before I totally lose it, let me think about some of the humor I'm looking forward to. Maybe a large sausage and an interesting discussion about honeypots!

Anne -- Oh my God, Kathi! How did I forget Bouton?! I loved Bouton. I really hope they keep the scene where Jamie has a conversation with him. I nearly crashed my car laughing so hard at that scene while listening to the audio book.

Angela -- Another part I can't wait to see is the costumes by Terry Dresbach and her team. From the images of Season 2 I've seen, they are going to be stunning.

Anne -- Definitely the costumes, Angela! I love this period of clothing, especially the upper class. It's gorgeous and flattering for basically anyone. Though, I will say that I am eternally grateful that I wasn't born in this period. I would be so irritated with having so many pieces to my outfit each day.  

Zee โ€” I want from season 2 what I wanted from season 1. Sam, Sam, and more Sam! (Haha, I had to pitch in, even though I'm not a fan of the books. lol! Definitely love Cait too. She is amazing and made me like Claire more than I ever did in the books.)

Dynamite couple.
Angela โ€” Haha, straight to the point, Zee. Of course we want Sam! Shirtless or preferably in other states of undress. Because we're all just watching for the plot.

Kathi โ€” I couldn't agree more. Sam and Jamie Fraser are truly the King of Men! I'm grateful every day that Sam has brought my favorite book boyfriend to life, and that he's such a great guy in Real Life, too! I think I wrote a post about that one time, ha ha.

Anne -- Agreed! I will take any amount of Sam/Jamie I can get. No matter how I can get it. I mean, look at him. His very existence is unfair to the rest of the men in the world.

Can't get enough Outlander? Check out some of our other posts.

Primo Man Candy, ummmm, I mean a post about why we love Sam Heughan and Jamie Fraser.

Beautiful post by Kathi on our anticipation for Season 1.

Donna's glowing tribute to our heroine, Claire Fraser.

Haha, just for fun! And another excuse to extol the many virtues of Jamie Fraser.

Why we love Diana Gabaldon and her fabulous creations.

Review of the story of an Outlander fan, Emma Sheridan, trying to find her own Jamie Fraser. And us trying to relieve our anxiety over the Wentworth scenes.

What can't you wait to see transformed onto the screen?


  1. Watching the premiere last night, I was really struck by what happened when Claire went back to the twentieth century. Catriona and Tobias did a masterful job acting their parts. I can only imagine how well Sam will do his part when/if the show portrays Jamie's POV.

    I'm utterly in love with the gorgeous costumes displayed thus far in the S2 trailers. Maril has really outdone herself.


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