What The Wenches Are Reading

Mark Ruffalo makes reading sexier than it is.
The Wenches seem to be, willingly, stuck in some of their favorite worlds! A few new releases have taken us right back to the Fever and Night Huntress worlds! Some of us are continuing series reads and trying to catch up with the latest installments, while others are reading random other stuff in between series rereads!

Click through to see what we've been reading!

Angela: Not a lot of reading this week. Day to day life isn't leaving a lot of time to read. Read a couple of chapters of Emperor of Thorns (The Broken Empire #3) by Mark Lawrence. However I have been enjoying a lot of the fantastic weather we are having in this 
part of the world instead.

Anne: This week, I started my Iced reread, but I abandoned it for Dark Debt! And, I'm still on Allegiant in my audio book.

Barb:  Unable to let go of the Fever world, I'm still rereading Iced. Amazingly, this is only my second read, and I'm seeing so much thanks to revelations in Burned. I'll probably finished Iced today and go back to re-read Burned. Maybe I'll be able to move on after that. It could happen.

Care: Apparently, January is a Big Reading Month for me. This week, I finished up Polgara the Sorceress, then reread Rescued by Felice Stevens, and then blinked twice, realizing that holy CRAP, the release of the new Vlad book was right around the corner! So, I plowed through Once Burned and Twice Tempted in preparation for reading Bound by Flames, and that promptly sucked me straight into the entire Night Huntress world again, where I've read Halfway to the Grave, One Foot in the Grave, and am now about halfway through At Grave End. I'm not sure if I'll slow down once I'm out of Night Huntress, but likely not as I've got a list of new books as long as my arm and a burning NEED to read all of them.  

Donna: January had some great releases. I've still got Karen Marie Moning's Burned (Fever #7) on the brain, even though I finished it a week and a half ago. I have to say it was my top read in well over a year. As well, I just finished reading Bound by Flames (Night Prince #3), by Jeaniene Frost. I enjoyed reading about Vlad and Leila, but I kinda missed the humour and snarkiness he showed in the Night Huntress series.

Kathi: Iโ€™m back to reading Chicagoland Vampires this week. I finished Biting Bad and the short stories 'High Stakes' (in the Kicking It anthology) and Howling for You. Now Iโ€™ve started Wild Things. Really enjoying these books!
Merit: No surprises this week. I finished Karen Marie Moningโ€™s Burned, then had to wait (a few days) until I could breathe again. I love her writing style and bold ideas. The second book I read is Bound by Flames, Night Prince #3 by Jeaniene Frost. Well, I miss the old Vlad, the one from the Night huntress books. This book, just felt a little flat for me. Though the writing is good, I miss the witty banter from the NH series, but was delighted to meet old acquaintances from that series.

Zee: It took a lot of wallowing in the Feververse to TRY and get over Burned, Jesus. Does anyone do it like Karen Marie Moning does? I read a few Amanda Quick's, and some REALLY trashy free erotica off Amazon. And not.. good trashy. BAD trashy. So bad I refuse to name it because I don't want anyone to even look it up to give it a try for laughs. Then I tried to read Bound by Flames. Have to say, it was kinda meh. And I didn't even get past the first half. It feels really repetitive. Third book in a row Leila's gotten kidnapped pretty much off the bat. Her linking, eventually, takes care of being found. Vlad is... so not the vamp he was in the Night Huntress series. Where's the snark? The flair for drama? The humor? I miss him. It's all so bloody angsty. And not in an interesting way. I used to love Vlad way more than Bones. But now.... Sigh. Kathi reading Chicagoland is kinda making me want to go back there. 


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