What the Wenches Are Reading

A buddy read, a new find, some old favorites, and giving up on a well-loved series are all on the Wenches' plates this week. Click through to find out what we're reading, and share your reading list in the comments below.
Amanda: Defending Jacob by William Landay. You need to read this book. It is SO GOOD!! That is all.
Angela: A Breath of Snow and Ashes this week by Diana Gabaldon. I'm completely riveted this time around. I now think The Fiery Cross was the calm before events start to hurry along. I've had three this did not just happen moments. A few medically gross things to read, but all in all I can't stop turning the pages to see what happens next. I am having a lovely time buddy reading the book with Beta and Kathi. It's great to have someone to talk to and get me through the tough scenes in the book.
Anne: Tumblr has exploded with Cut & Run fanfiction this week. So, it just forced me back into that world. I'm almost done with Cut & Run and I'll be moving on to Sticks & Stones after that.
Barb: I finished Megan Hart's Flying, which is due out on April 29. I have yet to read a Megan Hart book that isn't good, and Flying is no exception. Look for a review next week. I think I'm going to put my reread of Bloodlines on hold until closer to the release of the next book this summer. In the meantime, I'm moving on to another 2014 TBR book, Whiskey Rebellion by Liliana Hart. Just a few chapters in and the story and the narrator's internal monologue are ridiculous, which I love, so it's looking promising.
Beta: Newsflash everybody... I finished The Fiery Cross and I've started A Breath of Snow and Ashes! And of course I love it. While I felt TFC was the calm before the storm and setting up scenes for more eventful and action packed scenes in ABOSAA I wasn't expecting the wheels to start moving so fast but I have a feeling they'll get faster and more exciting as I continue. I'm loving the pace but knowing DG by now I think I'm in for a quite the ride soon... even a tearful one. Assuming I'm right I'm thankful for having Kathi and Angela by my side.
Care: This week I read a few odds and ends - I went through Warrior's Cross, as well as Straight Shooter, touched on Living With Intensity, and watched several TED Talks. It's been a ridiculously busy week, I'm surprised I actually got all that done. Next up, I think, will be my neigh-annual reread of Hot Head, and trying to get things organized... again.
Donna: I almost finished The Great Gatsby this week. There is just another chapter or so to read. After that, my plan is to watch the movie and knock out a few paragraphs about my impressions of the novel and/or film. Honestly, I don't where my writing will take me with this. I will say this story has made me think and I'm glad I took the time to read it.
Kathi: Iโm doing a buddy (re)read of A Breath of Snow and Ashes with Angela and Beta on Goodreads. Just finished a verra powerful portion of the story last night, and Iโm still rereading it over again and trying to recover. This is not the first time I've read this book, and Iโm still so emotionally raw I canโt go on. I love these books so much it hurts.
Merit: Just finished Murder of Crows, the 2nd book in the Others series by Anne Bishop. It was hard to put down the book whenever I needed to return to โthe land of realityโ. I love the story, the characters development, the originality of that world and the bits of humor glimpsed between the harsh realities of the story. This series is urban fantasy at its best (so far). On the downside, the next book will be out in 2015.
Natalie: This week is a mixed bag of reading as this past week I did not get much done. I am in the process of three books, though my goodreads.com account says I'm reading four. I am going to try to wiz through The King by JR Ward. I think I'm one of the few Wenches who still likes the Black Dagger Brotherhood books. I also have a good chunk of Allegiant by Veronica Roth completed. So if I'm lucky, and I doubt it with real life lately, I'll get those two done and then can go back to reading Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin. The movie for Winter's Tale was FANTASTIC!!!! So I cannot wait to jump back into the book. I do try to read the book before I see a movie but I wanted to catch this one before it left the theater...and it was amazing! Happy reading all.
Shau: I've read The King by J.R. Ward and don't recommend it to anyone. As with the past few books, I've skimmed through most of it and finally decided to give up. My reading of this series is officially over.
Merit I'm so happy you enjoyed The Others. I know, there isn't a new book until next year. I'm hoping it's just going to be finished with four books in total.