
Showing posts from August, 2017

Quote of the Day

Was that an inevitable way of life when you loved so deeply? Or was it just those of us who walked on the precipice who lived in such a panic? I brought my face a mere whisper from hers. "I love you so much." She blinked in that way I'd come to recognize, when she was afraid she might cry. "I love you too. Hey." She slip her hand up and rested it on my cheek. "Don't look like that. Everything's going to be okay. The center will hold." "How do you know?" "Because we are the center." The Fiery Heart ~~Richelle Mead

Quote of the Day

The silence swallowed them all again. Every head turned, every eye in the place seemed to have found Harry, to hold him forever in the glare of thousands of invisible beams. Then a figure rose from the Slytherin table and he recognized Pansy Parkinson as she raised a shaking arm and screamed, "But he's there! Potter's there. Someone grab him!" Before Harry could speak, there was a massive movement. The Gryffindors in front of him had risen and stood facing, not Harry, but the Slytherins. Then the Hufflepuffs stood, and almost at the same moment, the Ravenclaws, all of them with their backs to Harry, all of them looking toward Pansy instead, and Harry, awestruck and overwhelmed, saw wands emerging everywhere, pulled from beneath cloaks and from under sleeves. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

What the Wenches Are Reading

Source New releases, old favorite, and something different. Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Quote of the Day

โ€œThere are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk.โ€ 

Quote of the Day

"...from bones I rose and Bones I became..." Halfway to the Grave ~~Jeaniene Frost

My Five Star Reads to date in 2017

Wow the year is racing by and already I've read some amazing books. 9 books have just blown me away this year that I can't stop thinking about them. April was a particularly crazy month where I read four books that were fantastic. It's been a great year of reading fantasy and mystery books. Some new treasures have been uncovered and some favourite series have been advanced. Let's check below for the five star reads!

Quote of the Day

When she spoke, her fury was constrained in a voice that fairly dripped with annoyance at having to explain something very obvious to him. "Because, unlike you, we don't have the luxury of being outraged. If we rebelled and set half the country on fire, where would that leave us? You think that would make folks see us as more human? {snip}   She fixed him with a look that made him regret that the words had even crossed his mind, let alone left his mouth. "The blood of my people permeates the very foundation of this country. Even if everything from the Eastern seaboard to the furthest territory out West was razed to the ground, it couldn't make up for the injustice. And if you think that's what I'm fighting for, what every Negro putting their life on the line to stop the Confederacy is fighting for, then you've misunderstood everything. You've misunderstood me." {snip}   "We donโ€™t want revenge, Malcolm.โ€ She looked at him l...

Reviews: Sleeper and Arabella

Today Iโ€™m fangirling about a couple of new, relentlessly energetic and entertaining Young Adult novels. Sleeper is a high-powered, historical spy thriller set during World War II with a bit of a paranormal twist. Arabella and the Battle of Venus is a rollicking science-fiction steampunk fantasy set in space during an alternate version of the 1800s. Both offer highly relatable characters, compelling plots, and nonstop action. And whatโ€™s especially cool for me is that Iโ€™ve worked with both of these authors in real life! Iโ€™m amazed at how much creative genius lives amongst us every day, which we might not fully realize until it materializes as a superbly crafted saga on our e-readers (or a printed book with a beautiful cover) that We. Canโ€™t. Put. Down. Iโ€™ve really enjoyed both of these books, and as a bonus Iโ€™ve already gotten an early jump on gifts for those hard-to-buy-for younger readers on my holiday list! I hope youโ€™ll join me after the jump as I explain why I recommen...

Quote of the Day

"I do love this physical world.  I love this physical life with you.  And the air and the country. The backyard, the gravel in the back alley. The grass. The cool nights. Lying in bed talking with you in the dark." Our Souls at Night, Kent Haruf

Ouote of the Day

She'd always wondered why the story of Hades's abduction of Persephone into the Underworld had endured as on of mankind's favorite myths. Probaby, Selene surmised, because men find the idea of kidnapping and raping a virging irresistibly titillating. No wonder no man ever wants to revive an Artemis cult. In my stories, it's the man who winds up underground. Immortals (Olympus Bound #1) by Jordanna Max Brodsky

What the Wenches Are Reading

Wench Shau's sisters enjoying sun, water, and literature! A couple of exciting ARCs, some rereads, a DNF, and an uncomfortable, but interesting read are all on our lists this week. Click through to see who's reading what!

Quote of the Day

What is the first anesthetic? Wealth. And if I take your wealth? Necessities. And if I demolish your home, burn your fields? Acknowledgment. And if I make it taboo to sympathize with your plight? Family. And if I kill your family? God. And God... ...Hasnโ€™t said a word in two thousand years. Good girl. ~ American War , Omar El Akkad

Quote of the Day

My stomach drops as I continue looking into those dark gold eyes, because what I feel for Devi is a thousand times stronger than anything I've ever felt, even after three years with Raven, and I'm scared. I'm scared by the intensity of my own feelings, and I'm scared that she doesn't feel the same way. I'm scared that this speed of light feeling is going to blast a hole right through me, and I'll be left gutted in a way that Raven never could have gutted me. P*rn Star ~~Laurelin Paige and Sierra Simone 

So Many Questions: Blood Games Edition

Hey Folks! I'm back again with more questions from the Chicagoland Vampire Series . Yes, I know the series is over, but my questions are endless. I know some people prefer to take what the author gives you and just leave it at that. I am not one of those people. I prefer the JK Rowling/ JRR Tolkien style of author who will give you any detail you want to know and then some. So, here I am with my questions from Blood Games . Keep reading after the break!

Quote of the Day


Fangirl Fridays: Great Time Wasters

How to waste time in a good way You know how when you love to read but sometimes you are not really in the mood to read something difficult, long, time-consuming and soul-crushing? You just want to read something "dumb" and have a happy ending when you're done? Well, I know how you feel, and I have found a way to deal with this problem. You see, I don't really like regular romance (I'm a fantasy and supernatural kind of a girl) I don't know why, I just don't. I've given a few books a try and couldn't get into it. It would take me forever to read a book 100 pages long because I'd find any other activity more interesting (even watching paint dry). Since I love reading in my free time and don't always feel like reading something heavy, I've decided to find something that has some supernatural in it but is easy and fluffy like a romance. Yup, you guessed it, I'm talking about paranormal romance, some of them have a lot of...

Quote of the Day

Those white stars are cracked and the stripes bleed. Until America is ready to turn the mirror on itself and address the giant, pink, racist elephant in the room, we cannot fix any of this. I'm Judging You ~~Luvvie Ajayi 

Quote of the Day

"Sometimes bad shit happens, and you have to protect the people you love," Leon said. "it would be nice if you can do that and keep your hands clean, but life doesn't work that way. Life is messy, and sometimes you must do what needs to be done to keep your family safe. It doesn't make you a bad person." I'd have to thank Kurt. "One day some other Prime will threaten our House, and when that day comes, I'll kill him." What? "I'll do it quiet and clean, and nobody will ever know." Leon smiled. "I'm going to be a dark horse, the House Baylor's secret. I'll be the best assassin. A legend. They'll never see me coming." I would kill Kurt. I would strangle him with my bare hands. Wildfire by Ilona Andrews

What the Wenches Are Reading

Lots of new books on our list this week, with a few old favorites thrown in for good measure! Click through to see what we're reading. 

Quote of the Day

โ€œTo know what a person has done, and to know who a person is, are very different things.โ€

Quote of the Day

There are seven billion of us on this earth, and we are all different. But one thing is clear: humans excel at using our differences as excuses to act like assholes and torment one another. It is highly unfortunate that we use these innate, integral, and often uncontrollable things to mistreat others. We have created rigid, yet often invisible, systems that keep some people at the top, on the backs of others at the bottom, based on their identity markers. And we refuse to fix these systems of inequality because being at the top of the food chain is the place to be, so who would want to lose those perks? The air up there is so nice, who cares about those in the gutter? I'm Judging You ~~Luvvie Ajayi 

New to Me Series in 2017

2017 has meant a whole lot of new series to discover. Heavy on the fantasy side of book genres, it's been a great year for uncovering so gems and other series that felt more so-so.  A couple of series Incryptid by Seanan McGuire and Lady Julia Grey by Deanna Raybourn are books I've been meaning to try for years. Others, such as Cork O'Connor by William Kent Krueger and Draconis Memoria by Anthony Ryan weren't even on my radar until this year. What new series have I discovered this year?

Quote of the Day

โ€œSomewhere between us hating each other back then, you became my first real friend, my first and only best friend, and I didnโ€™t realize it until last summer, but youโ€™ve actually been my first everything.โ€ โ€œYou were my first kiss, my first date that I actually enjoyed, and the first woman I fell in love withโ€”the first woman I actually made love to...โ€ he said. โ€œAnd youโ€™re still the only person I can talk to twenty times a dayโ€”whether itโ€™s via letter, email, text, or phone call, and still feel like itโ€™s not enough.โ€    Sincerely, Arizona by Whitney G.

Man Candy: Birthday Edition Part II

F or my birthday in June, I gave you the gift of some delicious Man Candy. Well, today is my soul sister, Zee's, birthday, so I'm going to attempt to give her some of her favorite flavors of Man Candy, and if you're really good she may share with you, Saucy Readers.  Today will be light on the commentary and heavy on the attractiveness, so come along. We've a party to get started.

Quote of the Day

Art3mis: So what do you imagine I look like, then? Parzival: Like your avatar, I suppose. Except, you know, without the armor, guns and glowing sword. Art3mis: Youโ€™re kidding, right? Thatโ€™s the first rule of online romance, pal. No one ever looks anything like their avatar. Parzival: Are we going to have an online romance? <Crosses fingers> Art3mis: No way, ace, sorry. Parzival: Why not? Art3mis: No time for love, Dr. Jones. My cyber-porn addiction eats up most of free time.  Ready Player One, Ernest Cline

Quote of the Day

"Is that all you bought?"  His eyes shot to the left. "Um."  I clenched my teeth. "What else?"  "A Super Mega Juicer," he said quickly. "But, Sabina, seriously that juice is a miracle machine."  "I'm a vampire, Giguhl. The only liquids I drink are blood and alcohol. I don't do juice." ~ Jaye Wells, Red-Headed Stepchild

What the Wenches Are Reading

Source From favorite authors to beloved rereads to horror to learning new skills, the Wenches reading choices are wide and varied this week. Click through to see who's reading what! 

Quote of the Day

Sometimes a girl has to stop waiting around and come up with her own fairytale ending. ~ The Last Anniversary , Liane Moriarty

Quote of the Day

"I should assure you that in bed you have nothing to prove to me, or that I've never enjoyed making love to anyone more, but only a fool passes up what you just offered me. Now, I am short on some props, and there isn't nearly enough time in one night to run through all the ways I've fantasized about taking you, but I promise you this..." His voice deepened. "You'll be scandalized in the morning when you can think again."  One Foot In The Grave ~~Jeaniene Frost

Review: The Strange Case of the Alchemistโ€™s Daughter

A scientist should not experiment on himself. He should be a dispassionate observer, and for an experimental subject, young, malleable flesh is best. You have a daughter, have you not? Surely she is old enough for you to begin the process, in whatever direction you decide will yield the most promising results. ~ Giacomo Rappaccini to Henry Jekyll In The Strange Case of the Alchemistโ€™s Daughter , young women with severe daddy issues pool their collective expertise to solve a series of murders and get to the bottom of their childhood traumas. Set in the 1890s, the murders are happening in Londonโ€™s seamy Whitechapel district. Someone is murdering prostitutes and stealing their body parts. If it sounds a bit like a Sherlock Holmes mystery, thereโ€™s a reason for that. The estimable detectives Holmes and Watson play a large role in solving the murders. But the women comprise a one-of-a-kind team. They were raised by โ€œmadโ€ scientists who experimented on them in pursuit of control...

Quote of the Day


Man Candy : Superhero edition II

Another Friday, another Fangirl post. I was thinking about doing another Man Candy post for our first post hiatus, and I remembered how I had promised another Superhero Man Candy post! (You can check out the first one here .) I'm a woman of my word, so here we are!  This time let's take a look at the dudes that make Marvel's Netflix series fun to watch apart from the plot and all that. And some of the reasons why I'll be binge watching The Defenders as soon as it's available! Click here to read more.

Quote of the Day

Rogan looked at me, opened his mouth to say something, clamped it shut, and shook his head wordlessly. A terrible internal struggle was taking place.  "Use your words," Kyle suggested helpfully. Wildfire ~~Ilona Andrews

Quote of the Day

"What are you thinking?" "I'm planning to kidnap you until the trials," he said. "We've tried that remember?" "I had the air-conditioning fixed in the basement," he said. "Is there a nice chain waiting for me?" "No," he said, "But I do have some nice handcuffs." "No," I told him. "Okay, maybe. Who'll be wearing the handcuffs?" He grinned. Wildfire by Ilona Andrews

What the Wenches Are Reading

Source Our month off was pretty productive, with lots of books read from a whole host on genres! Click through to see what we've been up to, and share what you've been reading, in the comments or on one of our social media pages. Welcome back, Saucy Readers! 

Quote of the Day

โ€œRegardless of what I think about Islam or Wicca or any other religion, the fact is that it's a group of people. Every faith has its ceremonies. And since it's made up of people, every faith also has its assholes.โ€