For this Fangirl Friday, I'm going to tell you a little discussed secret on this blog. โI LOVE HORROR MOVIES!! I love them with every fiber of my being. I watch them year round, but October is horror movie mania for me. I will watch as many as humanly possible. Halloween 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, H20, Omen (sometimes both versions), The Exorcist, Nightmare on Elm Street, Candyman, Psycho, It, The Shining , you name it, I'll watch it. Except Halloween 3 , fuck that movie. It's terrible and it doesn't even have Michael Meyers in it! Anyway, my all time favorite horror series is the Scream series. The first movie is one of my all time favorites of any genre. I knew that MTV had put together a Scream TV series, but it was on MTV and MTV's other shows are SOOOOOO not my style, that I had never watched. I didn't really even follow it on spoiler sites. I basically ignored it's existence. Until I went to the movies with my two best, local friends about two months ago...