I am a very stubborn person. I know, I know. It's a shock. You thought I was easy-going and laid-back. I'm not. I like things my way, and I usually resist when they aren't. And one thing that I'm stubborn about is not doing what everyone else is doing. I don't knew where this came from, or why I avoid trends. I can't even remember when this started, so maybe I've always been a salmon (swimming against the current). But I do know that if everyone else is doing it, loving it, wearing it, chances are, I won't be. Usually this stubbornness serves me well, but sometimes I'm missing something really great, and don't find out until the furor has died down, and everyone else has moved on. This is the case with the Netflix show, Orange Is The New Black . The show debuted the summer of 2013 and was an instant hit. Everyone was talking about it, so that, of course, meant that I was not going to watch it. The buzz died down, life went on and a year passed...