
Showing posts from September, 2014

Taking a Break...


Quote of the Day

โ€œJust before nightfall, Hannibal approached Lecter castle through the woods. As he looked at his home, his feelings remained curiously flat; it is not healing to see your childhood home, but it helps you measure whether you are broken, and how and why, assuming you want to know.โ€  Thomas Harris, Hannibal Rising.

Quote of The Day

" Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. "   The Fault In Our Stars by John Green 

Fangirl Friday: Find Your Tribe!

ganked from So many things have been said about great authors, great books, great actors, and great people, but today I'm feeling the need to squee about one specific subset of this - finding your tribe. Way back when, probably a good ten to fifteen years ago, I had no idea what those words meant. Individually, sure, but as a single concept? What are we, nomadic people who band together for warmth and food?

Quote of the Day

โ€œDid you say we?โ€ Ristan asked. I blushed from my head to my Paint Your Toron-Toes Rose colored toenails. I opened the shower door and stepped out meeting Ristan's eyes. โ€œDon't ask.โ€ โ€œHow theโ€ฆdid you sift into his shower?โ€  he asked, bubbling with laughter. โ€œI said don't ask! It wasn't my fault. I was sleeping!โ€ I shouted as both men laughed even harder. โ€œReal mature, just real fucking mature." Taunting Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #2) Amelia Hutchins

Quote of the Day

Pen reached blindly for a chair and fell into it. As soon as her ass hit cushion, she crossed herself. Her inconsistent Catholicism was one of the many idiosyncrasies that endeared me to her. Right then I wished I believed in some sort of religion, too. One that would explain to me why bad things happened to innocent people. One that explained why bad people got away with murder. One that offered salvation in exchange for adhering to a few simple rules. But religion and me? We weren't on speaking terms. Which meant all I had to guide me was the seething rage and a bottomless pit of regret. I stood on the lip of that well and looked into the inky blackness. Dirty Magic ~~Jaye Wells

What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week, and share what you're reading, in the comments below.

Quote of the Day

โ€œI have often thought,โ€ she said, โ€œthat women are the only true adults in the world, and men are a species of children. When babies are born, when the sick are struggling for life, when the old die, you will see women about, but rarely men. Women carry the burden of the familyโ€™s survival on their backs.โ€ ~ Phyllis T. Smith, I Am Livia

Quote of the Day

ganked from "Are we talking about Tyler?" Julian asked, leaning forward to put his face between the two of them from the backseat. "Please do call him, I have missed being handcuffed to every possible surface whenever I speak." Cross & Crown by Abigail Roux  

How Outlandish are You?

Quote of the Day


Quote of the Day

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isnโ€™t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. ~ Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones

Fangirl Friday: Last First Kiss by Mr. Ron Pope

Working on my novel...   Not many of our readers know that not only do I write for our blog but I am in the process of writing a novel that has been haunting my dreams for the last several years.  Please donโ€™t instantly leave for Iโ€™m not going to subject you to my book, or not just yet at any rate.  I would wager decent money that you are wondering just what that little โ€œbook writingโ€ fact has to do with the subject of my Fangirl Friday.   Well I bring it up because it has everything to do with who I listen to when I write, and that has EVERYTHING to do with my piece today.     Personally I donโ€™t feel my book would have nearly the emotional pull nor the depth of character if music were not involved in helping guide my mind and emotions.   As an avid reader and follower (aka: stalker) of Authors I've noticed that there seems to be a growing Source trend among Authors to release a playlist of what music they liste...

Quote of the Day

Harlow smiled. "I've never had one, but it sounds like just the thing." She sighed. "Too bad it's too early." "Too early for what?" Lally asked. "For a drink." This time Lally laughed. "You got a lot to learn, Miss Harlow. This is New Orleans. Ain't no such thing as too early for a drink in this town." House of the Rising Sun ~~Kristen Painter

Quote of the Day

โ€œYou don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.โ€  My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult This Saturday marks my husband's and my 11th year together. So, this quote is dedicated to him.  Love you, Thom! Source

Book Review: Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) by Ilona Andrews

From Goodreads: No matter how much the paranormal politics of Atlanta change, one thing always remains the same: if thereโ€™s trouble, Kate Daniels will be in the middle of itโ€ฆ As the mate of the Beast Lord, Curran, former mercenary Kate Daniels has more responsibilities than it seems possible to juggle. Not only is she still struggling to keep her investigative business afloat, she must now deal with the affairs of the pack, including preparing her people for attack from Roland, a cruel ancient being with god-like powers. Since Kateโ€™s connection to Roland has come out into the open, no one is safeโ€”especially those closest to Kate. As Rolandโ€™s long shadow looms ever nearer, Kate is called to attend the Conclave, a gathering of the leaders from the various supernatural factions in Atlanta. When one of the Masters of the Dead is found murdered there, apparently at the hands of a shapeshifter, Kate is given only twenty-four hours to hunt down the killer. And this time, if she fails, s...

Quote of the Day

โ€œI held my bag open and he dropped Jenks inside. "Hey!" the pixy protested, and then, "Tink's little pink dildo, Rache? Haven't you gotten rid of those condoms yet? They got a shelf life, you know.โ€

What the Wenches Are Reading

Source  It seems to be a busy time for the Wenches, as several of us are struggling to fit reading into our schedules. When we are reading we're squeezing in lots of old favorites or continuations of favorite series, as well as a modern classic and one Wench's overflowing plate of educational reading. Click through to find out what we're reading, and share your list in the comments below!  

Quote of the Day

Though I didn't catch the sight of him until he'd already passed me and his back was to me, it was the backside of a world-class athlete. Tall, strong, powerful muscle poured into black leather pants, black boots, and--yes, you guessed it, a real drama king--a black shirt. I've spent enough time behind a bar that I've formed a few opinions about what people wear and what it says about them. Guys who wear black from head to toe fall into two categories: they want to be trouble, or they are trouble. I tend to steer clear of them. Women who wear all black are a different story, but that's neither here nor there.  ~ Mac's first Fae sighting ~Karen Marie Moning, Darkfever

Bookie Confessions #1

I don't like sharing. There I've said it. I've admitted this true fact about myself.  I really thought I did. I thought I loved it when my friends read books that I loved, and I do, but part of me doesn't want my buddies to always fall in love with the same characters that I do. How could their love possibly match or surpass mine? Perhaps I was okay with sharing my love with one or two other people. By other people, it is possible I too somehow, inventively wretch their hands from my one true love. I'm just still trying to work out how to share. This sharing thing, I'm going to blame on my brother. We fought tooth and nail as kids. Obviously we weren't very good at sharing and this has transferred to adulthood. As I've been in adulthood for a couple of decades now, you would have thought I had grown up. Nope, never, ever. Sorry Bro.  When your love explodes into popularity due to television, suddenly you have to share your love with thousands...

Quote of the Day

 โ€œWe're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.โ€  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K.Rowling.  

Quote of the Day

"Well, that's luck," I said.   "Or at least I suppose it is. Where do you know Lord John from?" "He was the Governor of Ardsmuir prison," he replied,  surprising me after all.  His eyes were still fixed on the Porpoise ,  narrow in speculation. "And he's a friend of yours?" I shook my head.   "I'll never understand men." He turned and smiled at me, taking his attention at last from the English ship. "Well, friends are where ye find them, Sassenach, " he said squinted toward the shore, shading his eyes with his hand.  "Let us hope this Mrs. Abernathy proves to be one."   Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

Fangirl Friday - Stephen Amell

Who else could I do my Fangirl Friday on but the freakin fantastic Stephen Amell. Who is Stephen Amell you might ask? He only plays the title character in CW Network's Arrow ( which I told you how much I love in my last Fangirl Friday ! ) . I had no idea who he was up until the point I started watching this show my husband was raving about.  I couldn't believe how great it was. It was only a matter of time before I was following Stephen on Facebook and boy, am I glad I did. Whether it's those blue eyes or the sincerity he projects, he makes many people he has never and will never meet very happy. So let's check out below what makes Stephen Amell so great in my eyes.

Quote of the Day

Gather close and listen well to the tale of the Witch's Bastard. This is not a story   for the faint at heart or the weak of bladder. This is the most terrible and frightful of tales and when I am done you may curse my name for ever having given it voice. Blood Song, Anthony Ryan

Quote of the Day

โ€œIt raises my spleen more than any thing, to have the pretense of being asked, of being given a choice, and at the same time addressed in such a way as to oblige one to do the very thing - whatever it be!โ€   ~ Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

The Wenches' Guide to the New TV Season

The new TV season is getting ready to start, with a whole slew of our favorite shows slated to premiere in the next month or so. And we think that TV has gotten fantastic in the last few years, as evidenced by all of the shows that we are eagerly looking forward to returning. And we're not even going to have room to cover all of the new shows we can't wait to check out! So come with us as we take a look at all of the fantastic shows that will be battling our TBRs soon as the new TV season gets underway!

Quote of the Day

โ€œThere are new gods growing in America, clinging to growing knots of belief: gods of credit card and freeway, of Internet and telephone, of radio and hospital and television, gods of plastic and of beeper and of neon. Proud gods, fat and foolish creatures, puffed up with their own newness and importance. โ€œThey are aware of us, they fear us, and they hate us,โ€ said Odin. โ€œYou are fooling yourselves if you believe otherwise.โ€ ~ Neil Gaiman, American Gods

What the Wenches Are Reading

Source  We are light on Wenches this week, as Fall (in the Northern Hemisphere) activities and back-to-school have us busy. We'll never understand why Real Life doesn't understand our need to read! Click through to see what some of the Wenches are reading, and share your list in the comments below! We need suggestions!

Quote of the Day

There is no single solution to the education of gifted children, largely because there is no prototypical gifted child. Corin Barsily Goodwin and Mika Gustafson Making the Choice: When Typical School doesn't fit your Atypical Child

A Review of Book One of the Black Sun's Daughter: Unclean Spirits by M. L. N. Hanover

  I started this book because I was on a look out for something new. I found it by accident and liked the synopsis . The story starts with a man named Eric meeting up with some shady creatures in a bar because he needed to hire muscle for a plan he set into motion. After the jump we'll start at the beginning.   (But beware of spoilers !!)

Quote of the Day


Quote of the Day

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." ~ Anaรฏs Nin, The Diary of Anaรฏs Nin, Vol. 1: 1931-1934

Fangirl Friday - Online Friendship

A couple of weeks ago, as I was thinking about what I should write about for my next Fangirl Friday post, I was talking to couple of my online friends and thinking about how lucky I was for being so fortunate to have gotten to know them and having the privilege to call them my friends. Then it hit me, why not make that my next topic? Online friendship. Well, it's Friday and I want to tell you about how much I love having discovered true friendship through my computer... which kinda means that I love my computer even more than I did before.

Final Blogoversary Giveaway!

Thank you so much for celebrating our Blogoversary with us, Saucy Readers! It's been a fabulous ride, and we're are only getting started. We saved our biggest giveaway for last--two lucky winners will win amazing prize packs, including a signed book, courtesy of Chloe Neill, one of our favorite authors, and her spectacular assistant, Krista. Thank you so much for following, and for playing along. We hope we can keep reading great books and entertaining you. a Rafflecopter giveaway **US Entries Only, Please.

Quote of the Day

Lally reached over to give his arm a squeeze. "I know it's hard for you having a mother like that, but the way she is toward you? That's her burden to bear, not yours." House of the Rising Sun ~~Kristen Painter

Second Blogoversary--Day Four

It's day four of our Blogoversary celebration and the prizes keep coming! Today we're giving away two amazing prizes, so be sure and enter, tweet each day for more entries, and tell your friends to stop by.   a Rafflecopter giveaway Don't forget to stop by tomorrow for a huge giveaway from the super fantastic Chloe Neill! 

Quote of the Day

"Then you're a warrior. That's what you are. Argue with anything else, but don't argue with your own nature." Will knew that the man was speaking the truth. But it wasn't a welcome truth. It was heavy and painfulโ€ฆ "Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit. " The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman Source

Review: Rock Addiction by Nalini Singh

  One of the best things about running a blog is getting to read books before release day, and we follow a lot of authors so we keep up with who's working on what. So, one day Nalini Singh tweeted that her new contemporary romance, Rock Addiction , was available from NetGalley, and we were all over that! It's quite a departure from her usual urban fantasy fare, her Guild Hunter series and Psy-Changeling series. I generally prefer UF/PNR to straight romance but I do enjoy a good love story from time to time, so I downloaded Rock Addiction and jumped into Nalini Singh's new rock-and-roll world. What did I think of Rock Addiction? Would I recommend it to you, Saucy Readers? Click through to find out.

Anniversary Celebration: Day Three!

Time sure goes by fast when you're having fun! It's already Day 3 of our Second Blogoversary celebration! I'm sure our readers have already entered the giveaways for Days  One  and  Two  for a chance to win some GREAT prizes! So lets get on to today's Giveaway! Today you have a chance to win a book from Darynda Jones's Charley Davidson  series! We're picking two winners for this one, and each one can pick which installment of the series they want! I know, we're awesome. I mean, who wouldn't want a book date with Reyes Farrow?!  Well, here's your chance! Enter below! Good luck!  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Quote of the Day

โ€œSome loves come unbidden like winds from the sea, and others grow from the seeds of friendship.โ€

What the Wenches Are Reading

  Click through to see what the Wenches are reading this week, and be sure to share what you're reading in the comments below!

Anniversary Celebration: Day Two

It's day two of our week-long Second Blogoversary Celebration and we have a wonderful treat for you! The fabulous Jaye Wells, author of Wench favorite series Sabina Kane and Prospero's War , has donated books and swag to help us celebrate. So enter below, and be sure and come back tomorrow, when we'll be giving away prizes from Darynda Jones! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Quote of the Day

Ghastek's face jerked. "The concepts of right or wrong are inconsequential in this case."  "The concepts of right or wrong are always consequential. It can't be situational or it's not right or wrong."  "I didn't come here to debate ethical obligations with you," Ghastek said. "You opened the door. I just walked through it." ~~Ilona Andrews, Magic Breaks

Man Candy: Working Men Edition

The first Monday in September is Labor Day in the US, a day when we honor the men and women who work hard to make our society run smoothly. So today we decided to observe Labor Day with some photos of our favorite working men, both fictional and real. It's a difficult job, gathering all of these laborers in one place, but we do it for you, Saucy Reader. Happy Labor Day! Enjoy the gift of Man Candy!

Happy Second Blogoversary!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun, and we've been having a blast for two years now, reading, writing, fangirling, and slipping in some inappropriateness from time to time! It's our anniversary and we're celebrating all week with gifts for you.  Thank you so much to our readers who have been with us from the beginning, and welcome to our new readers! Make yourself at home, join in the fun, and come back all week for giveaways of books and swag from some of our favorite authors and series.  Today's giveaway is a set of the first five books in the Wench Favorite Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Wenches Shau, Amanda, and Olga (once a Wench always a Wench!) count Kate among their favorite heroines and here's your chance to meet Kate yourself, or own your very own copies! a Rafflecopter giveaway Don't forget to come back tomorrow for a giveaway from the fabulous Jaye Wells!