We’ve been fangirling every Friday over book characters, writers, singers, actors, etc. for several weeks now, so our regular readers know that our fangirling days aren’t about making, as Urban Dictionary describes it: “loud high pitched noises (this includes squealing, yelling, or talking so quickly that it doesn’t sound like they are actual [sic] speaking a real language) or show their excitement for the object of their obsession through movement (this includes jumping glomping, running in circles, etc.).” Don’t get me wrong — we fan ourselves, squee, and sigh often when we fangirl, but we do try to put it into actual words, so our readers can see that we speak “a real language” and can read about our many reasons why we love our favorites so much. It’s sometimes really hard to put it into words, but we’d do anything for you, Saucy Readers!! Today is yet another Friday, so it’s time for a little more fangirling. And the “girl on fire,” the young-but-brilliantly-talented act...