Quote of the Day

" Then Barrons had arrived and I'd wasted no time putting him to work. A muscle leapt in his jaw. "Tell me again why I'm doing this, Ms. Lane?" "Duh," I said. "Because my arm's broken." I waved my splint at him, in case he'd forgotten. "I don't think you tried hard enough," he said. "I think you need to try again. I think if you angle your splint out like this"โhe demonstrated, in the process tipping fingernail polish onto the tiled patioโ"then twist your arm around like this." He nodded. "Give it a try. I think it'll work." I gave him a cool look. "You drag me all over the place, making me hunt for OOPs, but do I complain the whole time? No. Suck it up, Barrons. The least you can do is paint my nails while my arm's broken. * Imagining JZB painting Mac's fingernails is so funny. Imagining him painting her toenails is hilarious... It's not like I'm...